Saturday, August 30, 2003

Alarms, Louche Cocktails and Stags (an eclectic mix I grant...)

Oh yes.. they dont call me Mr Afterthehorsehasbolted for nothing you know! I am now the proud owner of a super-duper state of the art House / Intruder / Men wearing Glovelets anti system!..

Catch me out would you? That'll show em!! -Just need the Lion now, though edging toward a Panther.. I figure it would look better at the top of stairs lounging in a 'stare me out human - pah! cute kinda way... Ill ask the Internet Man.

Well Dear Reader (I think there might be 1 of you?) You will be pleased to know that I no longer have the cold I have been harbouring for the last 9 days :)..SO I shall back to lounging in cocktail bars very, very soon being predatory.. or even being preyed upon by the Laydeees of London town once again.. Life is resuming normaility, one hopes.

The Stags at the bottom of the garden were there again this morning, scraping the felt off their new horns and getting ready for a bit of over-winter argy-bargy. Let the battle commence!

Friday, August 29, 2003

Power cuts, Sunbeds and news of the Lion

Sunbeds? Never been near one in my life.. so why I have i just advance purchased 12 sessions on one at the gym? Hmmm.. methinks the rain today and the bargain price might have summit to do with it. I dont know anything about Sunbeds.. is there such thing as sunbed etiquitte? i.e what i really mean of course, is do i go commando or not? -Any advice gratefully laughed at!

Hahahaahahahahahahaha *splutter*... Am I the only person that doesn't believe power cuts in NY and now here in little old London are not an unfortunate coincidence?...yea right! - Both rush hour evening? hmmmm. I'm deeply suspicious.. I suspect a super villian at work ala Bloefeld, complete with white cat, I wonder how much cash he wants... much less romantic but more obvious of course is the tiny matter of Al Quada.... What a tangled web we weave.

On a lighter note I have found a man on the Internet who says he will sell me a Lion if I send him some money first... I'm such a trusting chap :)

Thursday, August 28, 2003

The Gardener Speaks

... or even types, yes indeed.

Muses - Hmmm, I seem to have started a Blog.

So Burglary! eh? what is it? where is it? and how do you not catch it?

Well its where chaps wearing best gloves nip into your castle, whilst your out earning an honest crust and wander off in an organised way with your big heavy expensive 100htz TV and lovely, *sigh* lovely separates Hi Fi system.

Whereabouts currently unknown but it was partying at my house about lunchtime yesterday.

My advice.. wear a mask, who knows it may help!

Lets just hope the Insurance co dont quibble about me leaving the back window ajar, oops!

They wern't bright though, *sigh*.. left my £200 + Oakleys that were right next to the pot full of assorted coinage.. but took the coinage.. no taste obviously.

The Jungle drums are rolling and the village elders are now very jumpy. expect random burnings of lost teenagers in Epping Forest very shortly. Me? I'm buying a Lion, natch!