Friday, September 26, 2003

Bags, Advertising and Theivery

Does the man with the bag and suitcase stall outside the Tube station actually make any money? I have never bought a bag from him and after surveying the teeming multitudes have found that no one else has either. Is he subsidised do you think?. If so by whom, and for what purpose?

And who said that 1 out of every 5 central London Tube stations must have a bag seller near the entrance?. I think I may have worked it out... I wonder if its actually London underground lost property trying to move their surplus bag mountain back out again?

Perhaps these stall holders are just spies or some such?. Have you ever seen anyone buy a bag?


I walked past a shoe shop this morning. Not an unusual event I grant you. My eye was drawn to a big poster in the window advertising their shoes.. 'Clarks' it said. and above the word was an image..

An image that made me laugh anyway..

A man smiles as he does up his tie.. Obviously just off to work with a spring in his step. Over his shoulder a woman (his wife?) looks lovingly and proud of him from their bed.

The message was so clear.. Wear Clarks shoes and not only will you be married to a beautiful woman, but she will adore you and be proud of your achievements and you will have fantastic sex, every night.

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAH .. Quantity Surveyors and Photocopy Salesmen of the world now have aspirations like never before... the horror... the horror...

Last night I was bad.

I stole a table candleholder from a bar
I was a bit drunk
It was very nice
It was very shiny
It's at home now

Ive emailed them.. Begging forgiveness and offering to pay for it.. I like their cocktails and want to go back ...

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