Monday, April 26, 2004

The Return of the Party

Well folks it happened again. The Duke and the Wapping mad house threw the end of the world of party's.

Saturday night saw near enough 250 people including the beautiful Slinx and I having a wild old time. Five great DJ's, kept the place moving until the early hours. We think we left at near enough 9AM on Sunday and boy did we need a sleep.

Highlights of the evening included...

..The guy that fell out of the balcony floor above, 15 feet down onto the floor below (luckily narrowly missing other party goers) who immediately sprang back up shouting "I'm fine, nothing to see here".

I bet he hurts today!

...The 7 foot tall rubber clad dominatrix in towering platform shoes that kept asking a certain girl if she'd like to 'do something unrepeatedly rude'

Anyone who did sterling volunteer work on the bar.

The Italian Mafia for spontaneously cooking pasta for a 100 people or more.

The Duke (Andy), Tommi, Ivano and Richard for throwing possibly the best party in London, ever.

We found this chap and friends in the morning.

If anyone knows who he is, please let me know..

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Being Remiss

I've been quite remiss at blog entries lately. What does this mean? Does it mean that

a) I have a life?

b) I'm lazy


c) Someone has kidnapped the real Gardener and I am just a mere secret service fill in?

Answers stapled to a small leopard and delivered by parachute please.

Right I'm off to grade my t-shirt collection into amusing categories. After all Summer is coming and oh god what a difference the sunshine makes. I swear I even saw the bag man try to smile the other day. It hurt to watch.


Saturday, April 17, 2004

Gis A Job

A funny thing happend the other lunchtime. There I was minding my own business having a quet lunchtime pint in a pub (I forget the name) in Covent Garden and who should pull up right out side the window that I was facing, driving a black cab and pick up a fare but none other than Nicholas Cage. Yes the actor.

Very strange I thought. I assure you dear reader that it was him, or at least his long lost twin. The cab was interesting in that it was an old hackney cariage but with immaculate paint and seemingly extra chrome fittings. He was wearing a brown leather jacket and smiled that smile he does when hes looking slightly mad at the girl he picked up.

I was the only person that noticed and put it down to my imagination, but...

... on Thursday morning I was driving to work and as I stopped at some traffic lights near Holborn a man got out of a white van to deliver (or collect?) something. Dressed in a black jumper and jeans, stomach straining and hair like a mop, it was, Dan Ackroyd.

Somethings going on and if you don't believe me start looking around. Rich actors are moonlighting in London town to earn extra cash. I don't know why. Do you?

I will write more soon, I should have some time. Its been very busy lately.

Mail me when you spot another celeb.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Flora and Fauna

A short blog today. Whilst sitting in the kitchen looking at the garden a Pheasant flew in and wandered about. I was tempted.

Yesterday at almost exactly the same time I was sat in the same spot and a Mallard Duck flew in and crashed noisily into the pond.

Where will all end? They are getting larger by the day. I'm hoping to get a Giant Penguin tommorow. I might not be so lucky though. The fact that they can't actually fly might be a hindrance. I shall however keep an eye out.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Dead But Only Resting

In the last seven days I haven't half been busy. I'm thinking of hiring a ghost writer to write this Blog but I figured that they may end up being a better writer than me and I can't have that, so I will soldier on.

Looking For a New Job

Keen eyed readers may remember that I lamented Alistair Cooke's retirement a few weeks ago so ending the longest running broadcast show in history "Letter From America". Sadly it looks like he's rested his typing fingers for the very last time. He was 95. One thing that is a touch ironic is that he was really miffed a few weeks ago because some laggard in the BBC had leaked news of his retirement the day before he had decided that he would broadcast it to a shocked world. I bet he would have laughed if news of his death had been leaked before it happened. He would probably have stayed up...

I was surprised he hadn't made a rushed cameo in

Shaun of the Dead

Another visit to the Rex last week saw us seeing another film pre-release. This, romzomcom, 'Romantic Zombie Comedy' was a good laugh and had its moments of pathos to. The 'girl in the garden' scene is a classic and it has its laugh out loud moments throughout. Sadly there are couple of flat bits and I'm not sure how well it will export or really do at the flicks. It will, however though grace many a DVD collection though and I can think of few films better to press the play buttun to if you have some mates round after the pub. Go and enjoy, but leave your brain behind. Lest someone lurch slowly toward you and eat it. Go on, you know you want it.


In other news I've been cooking roast dinners, sharing great company, gardening and generally doing what I usually do . Last Friday saw me catch up for a rare meeting with the Walton. It was an evening meet that took in a number of venues including a quick stop at Kettners. This establishment has been serving champagne to the loaded and desperate for attention crowd for what seems like for ever. I managed (only just) to not take the piss out of Ainsley Harriot for being so short, and who was the ageing rocker with the mane of grey hair down to his jeans who visited the gents to powder his nose four time in the 30 minutes or so that we were there? Or perhaps he has prostrate trouble? Go anyway if you've not been before. The gents toilets have an excellent no-cost shoe shine machine. Its under the plant pot, you will see it.

Later that night at 12.17 precisley, I foolishly missed my last Tube home. Normally if i'm on a mad one I don't care, but this time I did as its an awful long way for me in a cab. Its the one thing that I really think holds this city back from really exploding with fun. The Tube should run, at least at weekends till 3 or 4. C'mon people, lobby Ken the plastic Mayor!.


I know!. Its the 5th already. I'm having a dilemma as to what you should drink. I'm still thinking so I'll take a tip from Mrs Mills and just for the moment, recommend a glass of sweet sherry. That will stand you out from the crowd and possibly start a new trend.


There is a party soon. A big one. Possibly the biggest one ever. If you want an invite then email me and we shall see. It promises to be very good indeed.

Saturday, April 03, 2004