Monday, April 26, 2004

The Return of the Party

Well folks it happened again. The Duke and the Wapping mad house threw the end of the world of party's.

Saturday night saw near enough 250 people including the beautiful Slinx and I having a wild old time. Five great DJ's, kept the place moving until the early hours. We think we left at near enough 9AM on Sunday and boy did we need a sleep.

Highlights of the evening included...

..The guy that fell out of the balcony floor above, 15 feet down onto the floor below (luckily narrowly missing other party goers) who immediately sprang back up shouting "I'm fine, nothing to see here".

I bet he hurts today!

...The 7 foot tall rubber clad dominatrix in towering platform shoes that kept asking a certain girl if she'd like to 'do something unrepeatedly rude'

Anyone who did sterling volunteer work on the bar.

The Italian Mafia for spontaneously cooking pasta for a 100 people or more.

The Duke (Andy), Tommi, Ivano and Richard for throwing possibly the best party in London, ever.

We found this chap and friends in the morning.

If anyone knows who he is, please let me know..

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