Friday, December 26, 2003

Midlands, Meat and Merriment

I went to my ancestral home for a couple of days before Christmas. The Madlands and particularly Walsall (visit this site its funny and true..) Its still quite a grim place. Whilst I didn't grow up here as such half the family did and I spent much time there. My Mum (Bless her) lives there again now after many years abroad. God knows why!

All the available shops are now pubs, bars, bookmakers or very cheap supermarkets.

Knowing that I would be 'up there' till Christmas Eve afternoon I shopped for my celebration produce and must give mention to the one non-pikey establishment there.

This was Hills Butchers, a family business established by Mr Hill in 1888. I have to say he looked younger than that? Anyway He supplied me with a 7lb piece of Beef (Sirloin on the bone) that he had been hanging for a good 3 weeks or so. He described it as "Orgasmic!" I'm not sure I share his sexual preferences but he was a happy butcher who loved his work... I promised to return one day to tell him whether I agreed.

I have to say that I feel slightly ill having eaten so much of it yesterday and today but shall return to tell the mighty Mr Hill that it was the best bit of beef I have possibly ever eaten!. Does anyone fancy a beef Sandwich?

My friend PHG (Pink Haired Girl) came and shared it with me as her family were inconveniently in Germany for Christmas. The afternoon was cocktails (obviously) and then more cocktails until oblivion set in.

I have one of the best hangovers of the year today, so I shall take it easy and stare in a tired and over exhausted way at the Kylie Calendar that the thoughtful Slinks bought me.

I think I may have to detox in Jan.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Bad Behavior and Christmas Baubles

Well well well, the Company do was lots of fun after all! Sadly the staff and ex staff that attended left for last tubes just as I got a severe thirst on. Though it has to be said I probably should have gone home at that point...

Instead (well I could hardly disappoint, could I?) I crashed The Hoathster's Company do instead. It was at Hush in the private and very swanky top floor. I arrived about midnight and was greeted by an excellent bar and excellent service. Being as it was also free I took full advantage to top up. After all I had had to walk from Covent Garden!

The Hoathster was in fine form. Considering the industrial quantities of Absinthe he had consumed he was hanging on well. I thought I was to, but now I'm not so sure....

After a short while, his company, with me in tow was off to Pangaea I loved this club! Even though I was heading towards the dodgy side of trashed I found the staff friendly and the atmosphere good. Mind you I was with a good crowd so its hard to say whether I would have felt so warm had I not been in a large group. If you like your bars cheap do not go! This place is wallet busting stupidity with a serious hangover! Thanks to The Hoathsters bosses who I talked at till about 4 30 AM...And special thanks to Sanjay without who I might have not have stayed awake. It was nearly 6 when I got home, almost a record. I'm sure I disgraced myself? Does The Hoathster still have a job?

On Saturday afternoon, after a serious reconstruction job I met up with the gorgeous 'Slinks' who still wishes to remain anonymous...

Lots of rest for the wicked

Hurrah, no more work till next year! This is a very happy but tired boy.

Watch this space, though there may not be an update until the 25th or so.

PS: Ah yes baubles. They are glass ones that weigh nothing, yet shatter if you drop them. They make my Christmas tree look beautiful.

PPS: whoever you are, Merry Christmas! x

Friday, December 19, 2003

The Walton and The Duke and Sharon Davies

Had a lovely evening last night out drinking and eating with good pal 'The Duke' and my lovely friend 'The Walton'

We ended up at The Cantaloupe at Old Street which is always good fun with Tapas style foods and excellent beer through to decent cocktails at good prices. We were quite entertained at the end of the night when a number of pissed punters became convinced the Walton was in fact the swimmer Sharon Davies. It never occurred to me before but there is a slight likeness. The Walton though is much prettier. She's off to Canada for Christmas so it was nice to catch up before she went. The Duke had a nice time to.

Today will be messy. Its the Company Party later. I'm not really looking forward to it, as I've said before I much prefer other peoples company 'do's But, saying all that I shall be getting lashed...

Its at Blend

Shocker!! Advance warning... You could track me down and unmask me for who I really am!!.... but I'm sure you've got other things to do... Saying that however, alternative, after 'do' party invites gratefully received.

Ah well lets see what happens.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Steamy Windows

F*%K Me!! Its brass monkeys this morning. Its almost time to wear a hat lest your ears drop off and your brain freezes.

It was getting that way last night when I walked though the crisp dark air up the hill to my lair.

The village light brigade are out in force now. Almost every house and garden tree has Christmas lights festooned upon it. Some flashing, some not, mostly tasteful I'm pleased to say. The notable exception to this being the vulgar purple flashing attempt at a Reindeer that's hanging off the front of the cottage called "The Gables"

That aside, its all very lovely and being as there are no street lights where I reside the illuminations sparkled beautifully against a clear starry sky.

Monday, December 15, 2003

Accelerated Fuzziness...

Ah Christmas. A time for reflection. Well, perhaps? Also I hope that it will be a time for recovery. The good times are lately keeping on rolling.

Friday saw the annual gathering of the clans. Well not really, that's somewhat of an exaggeration. It was the official 'Founders' Christmas lunch. This sounds much more grand than it is. The three of us, for that is the number, had lunch.

We were upstairs at Bertorelli's. You might have seen us? We were still there when the evening shift came in. The food bill was only £100 odd butthe booze bill topped out at at £300 plus. It would have been more but the other two faded out just as I was warming up...

Then I went to Lab for a couple of cocktails.

Then I went to the pub. I've made better decisions than that one

A Saturday pub lunch restored my strength before a late dinner at..

Le Mercury (Islington) Do go, excellent value french food, unstuffy and lively but do book or you simply won't get in!

Then a small but lively and fun house party with really nice people somewhere in North London.

I was accompanied by the person who wishes to remain anonymous. I also can't hide them behind the 'Charming Company' tag any more as they think it makes them sound like a "maiden aunt" They certainly are not in any way maiden aunt-ish. Especially not with those shoes...

Friday, December 12, 2003

Thursday Tomfoolery


I Moscow Mule
3 Mojitos
I Singapore Sling
I Gibson
1 very large lemon vodka

Sing to the tune of '12 days of Christmas'

Note to self: Please remember to eat before or during going out, it aids stamina and recovery...

I have to do it all again today to, ah well, someone has to.

The charming company I was with wishes to remain anonymous and as I have journalistic integrity I feel, for the moment at least that I can't tell you any more. I might whisper later though...

Oh yes. I recieved a Christmas Card this week (not unusual at this time of the year you might think?) This one was from "Dave (Your Postman)" it said. That was nice of him I thought. Do you think he wants something?

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Petty Note to Blog Copycat :)

The Hoathster - for it is he. (link on the right if you have a lazy eye...)

Is talking Lawyers. The cheeky tyke!. Now he is welcome, as he is a rangy fella. But I must set the record straight once and for all. It was I that got us in and was the first to be served at the legendary HalfWay House.

We are half way
No one likes us
We are half way
No one cares..

The band played on...

I don't know if teenage reminisces work on a public blog.. hmmm I'll muse.

Cheers me dear :)


PS That review link is a laugh... we didnt need adults present when we were 14?
PPS Is the lovely Peggy still alive? Bless her.
PPS And dont even start on blogging styles. Sheesh these newcomers.. ;)

I know I know!!

*Sigh* Where does all the time go? I don't know, I can't even get to work on time let alone work out the answer to that one.

Life has been moving far to fast lately and this Blog has suffered. For that I offer humble *arms sweeping to ground* apologies.. Anything to stop the complaints!. God!, its nice to be wanted but ENOUGH ALREADY!..

Right, where was I?

Its going to be quick and messy (but sometimes that can be really good ;)

Simpsons on the Strand. Well I had to. After all an afternoon getting stuffed and then drinking 1965 Armagnac till it comes out of your ears doesn't come often enough

Skating at Somerset House. Get ticket and go. I can skate you see. Hehehehe.

Red Bar. Yea ok you can go if you want. But the barman only 'thinks' he knows a Moscow Mule.

In other news but in no particular order. Clothes / Money / Tiredness / Charming Company/ Sunday lunch / Christmas Muzak / Good shoes / Caipirihna's / The Italian Job / Gardening / Friends all around / The Duke / The Queen Vic / Oh.. And Rugby World Cup Heroes return...

Things should get back to normal soon. Other appliances may vary.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Nights on Tiles

The Tube system. Whats that you say? Where is the drink fuelled review of the worlds hotspots?. Well, sorry but you will have to wait. (though I was in Bar 38 earlier)

When you are scurrying to catch your tube train do you notice the corridors you scatter through?

If you do, then nod with me. If you dont, then do in future!

Tonight I was in Covent Garden Underground Station. This is not unusual. However, I thought I'd share the historic and wonderous orange and green glazed tiles in the corrridors with you. Look next time please (properly). Compared to the corridors around Stansted Aiport these could uplift you.

And don't start me on the sublime tiles at Hampstead!

The lesson today is that whatever you see everyday, you should always try to look at again, afresh.

Exit stage left.

Oh and also, dont even think about starting me on the beautiful RM Buses...(shouted from the wings)

PS: If you dont understand this post you shouldn't be reading.

Monday, December 01, 2003

Cocktail for the Month of December

November seemed over long to me, what did you think?

I've been searching for a drink that's easy to make and can be used as a nightcap with added oomph.

I've found one. (are you really suprised? ;)


You will need.

A clean stick or spoon-like implement of some sort

Take tumbler, add a few cubes of ice, pour in equal measures of Amaretto and Vodka. Stir well with implement and sip until bedtime.

Nice and simple eh?

If only everything in life was as reliable as alcohol.

Now where did I put my penguin?

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Closing Thought For November

Remember, a Web Site's not "just for Christmas"

Pink Pop and a Minty Aftertaste


It was 'Pink Haired Girls' Birthday party on Friday night at Pop. She as usual was resplendent with her trademark pink hair and a good crowd was in attendance. I'd not been here before. I recommend it, especially if, as in our case you are with a group and have a table with a great big orange circle sofa to use as a base camp. Eg. think stupidity rather than romantic date

The decor is 60/ 70's kitsch and its quite bright, think oranges, reds and acid yellows, though thankfully the lights dim about Midnight.

Bar staff were good, overworked but friendly. It does get rammed though, so organise drinks in large batches. Its open till 4AM on a Friday (and I think 5 on a Saturday). Punters were good fun but my memories fade early as myself and friend 'The Duke' seemed to be on a Mojito oblivion mission. Hence the minty aftertaste and a morning sense of confusion...

I feel the December party season is just beginning, as if I'm not busy enough!

Cocktail day tomorrow. HuzzaH!

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Old Memories and New Places

Wednesday evening found me escorting my friend from years ago (The Minx) to see the Gothic Exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Nooo, not that kind of Gothic, silly!

Victoria and Albert Museum

The exhibition is entitled "Art for England 1400-1547" This period covers the reigns of amongst others, Richard III and Henry VIII and I recommend you visit. There are some wondrous things to behold, most of which you would never think still existed, or at least if you did you would probably assume that your eyes would never see them. Richard III 's crown for instance or Our Henry's swords, handgun (no really) and a full set of jousting armour for both him and his horse. There are some wonderful manuscripts and numerous ephemera.

The one thing that is truly worth seeing even if you insist of being led blindfold through the exhibition to it, is the life-size painting of Henry VIII by Holbein (the younger) which was painted sometime after 1537.

See it here

Its the image that everyone recognises. Henry standing imposingly looking you straight in the eyes with hands on hips and shoulders wide.

Having seen it on postcards, tea-towels and in magazines a number of times, to see it for real is extraordinary. You can't appreciate how powerful it is from any reproduction. You really wouldn't want to go to sleep in a room with it staring at you.

I implore you to see it. And its not often I implore anyone.

The Exhibition is running until January the 18th.

The Collection

Gosh! After all that culture we needed sustenance. Dinner was at The Collection on Brompton Road. This is a very large, flash and lively bar and restaurant that if my memory serves me right was once a public transport depot. If you know what it was please email me as many years ago I used to live next door (no really!) and it certainly wasn't a swish, rammed, hanger like place full of the Chelsea / Knightsbridge set flicking their hair and jangling their jewellery then.

Definitely a place to go for impressions. Once you have navigated security you enter the place by walking down an 80 foot lit catwalk.

Strike a pose, there's nothing to it.

Take a fat wallet, toss your head back, look richish and book in advance. Not a place for a quiet meal as its very loud and ra-ra. Was that Kylie I saw?. I wish!..The sea bass was excellent by the way.

Funky Buddha

Being a Wednesday We went on to Funky Buddha's in Berkeley St. Nearby, a song once purported, that a Nightingale sang. (I'm checking with Max Clifford)

Having not been here before I had heard a lot and expected much. This place failed to deliver on a number of counts. Now don't think I'm over critical! As you know I'll drink a Martini, or even a Mai Tai anywhere.

Company 10/10 (The Minx is, well, a Minx)
Surroundings 7/10 (not bad, flash as expected but the leather sofa we sat on was ripped)
Drinks 6/10 (would expect better at top notch prices)
Bar Staff 6/10 (This would be higher as they were friendly and attentive, just undermanned)
Crowd 4/10 (C List and rich kids. I've seen more character at a school disco)
Atmos 4/10 (see above : Crowd)
Music 4/10 (Thats not a taste thing, it was just watered down all over)
Security 0/10 (Overbearing, aggressive, rude and generally disdainful, in fact this deserves further comment)

I've experienced more polite riot police (honest!) clearing a party than at sweeping out time here. As those of you that know me will vouch I'm hardly a troublemaker but being forced to carry your drink to the cloakroom queue at 3.09 AM when you've just spent more than Liberia's national debt does not leave this Gardener with a good taste in his mouth (other than the nightcap Amaretto of course). Attempts to politely complain about the rudeness of the BA Baracas modelled lump were simply met with a so what air, a verbal, "do you want some trouble?" and a final "now get lost"

Sadly (some might say) I didn't actually get punched.

God knows why they need goons like that? After all its hardly a Portsmouth bar after a task force has just docked?!

Don't visit, it's not worth it.

The evening airs out

Old friends can have a moving effect. It seems there might have been much left unsaid all those years ago and much water has since passed under the bridge. Some things though, never quite pass.

If you have any old friends with unfinished business I recommend you seek them out and confront it. What you may find could pleasantly surprise you and indeed, give you pause for reflection.

Smiths of Smithfield.

After a night like that the soul may be happy but the synapses need feeding. Myself and Mr H went to Smiths for brunch. He was necessary in case I collapsed. As usual they supplied the best breakfast related food in London and even though they lost our food order I forgive them, especially as they insisted (by way of apology) that I had a very large and sublimely spicy Bloody Mary to accompany my poached eggs, mushrooms and bacon on toast.

I've just had an afternoon nap and feel much better. I was sort of hoping that someone might give me a full body transplant whilst I was under though..

This one almost "canna take the pace Captain Kirk". Its going to blow a rod at this rate!

Till next time children.

Monday, November 24, 2003

The Perfect 10

It was a perfect 10 all round this weekend. After the usual excessive Friday night mayhem I awoke bleary eyed and watched the men in white beat their demons and fight with guts, skill and sinew to lay the great Australian challenge bare.

England expected! And for once England was rewarded by bravery unmatched. Every one of the steel men created history, with no small part held by our number 10.

There were tears in my eyes.


The other perfect 10 was an unusual Sunday afternoon.

As many of you will know I am not averse to a good bar, or indeed good company. It was by chance of both that I arrived at 25 Canonbury Lane

Good food, good drinks, lovely wine and charming company. I was happy in the extreme.

Go to this bar. Its friendly, intimate and does good food and excellent drinks. Asking for anything more, is often asking for too much.

In other news (again) England won the 2003 Rugby World Cup...!

World Cup = 10
Bar = 10
Company =11

Total = More Please Vicar!

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Of Mice and Men


Last night, just as I was cleaning my teeth, my eye was caught by a slight movement to my left. I looked. Hmm, nothing but the bath. (large, white, deep, free standing) In the bath was a mouse. It was sitting on its back legs by the rubber duck. It was a field mouse and it seemed quite happy by my yellow friend.

It also seemed happy when I caught it with a pint glass and CD combo and put it outside. Me thinks my cats playing tricks on me...


Errmm, I didn't actually have a natural link from this sub title but I liked the "Mice and Men" main title as an eye catcher. Now before you complain about cheap advertising tricks just think a moment. I could have been obvious and said what I thought about George W Bush and his current visit to this fair city, but I won't as I'm sure you think it already.

The real link by the way is that it was Mr H's Birthday today and along with the bloggers, gardeners and comics of this world we wish him all the best for the coming year. May your shirt collection grow and know no bounds and may all your bonuses be in pounds. Happy another Birthday!

Raise your glasses!

Monday, November 17, 2003

Ohhhh Errr

I seem to be suffering from bloggers block! Fear not I'm sure there will be some entertainment here shortly. I think my synapses may have temporarily unraveled due to over soaking.

Whilst you wait play musical chairs. Its great if your on your own because you always win! If your not the sporty type and don't like competing why not just sit on a chair and image that its picked you instead.

Sunday, November 16, 2003


Full update tommorow, exhaustion is here today..I hope your all well.


Thursday, November 13, 2003

Whoo hoo!

I just couldn't help it.. I bought myself a treat (again) well why not :)

I have a new toy.. Its a new phone (sort of), it does all sorts as well as take and play videos. So it will be full of smut in no time... errrm *cough* sorry I do of course mean business presentations.

*Slinks back to corner* and struggles with the manual whilst the evil empire known as 'Orange' skips off with his soul and all his worldly possessions.

For the those that care its one of these 'Hee Hee Fun on a stick!'

Back soon I promise...

Sunday, November 09, 2003

The Big J Returns And The Little M Departs

The Arrival.

Yet another old friend was around this weekend. Big J, so called due to his towering height, which is always handy at the bar, has returned to this crazy city after, oooh more than 20 years away in a dark place sometimes referred to as the 'Madlands'

I went to school with him. Yes dear reader I did indeed, once go to school. At least occasionally.

We met for a quiet Friday night drink.

He had been reading this page so persuaded me to show him some of my grubby haunts.

Oh dear, it happened again. Mojitos at Freud (no link cos I can't find one and even if I told you where it was you still woud'nt find it) Drinks at Blend (of course) then on to Lab which I do like, especially as the barman mixes my own Mint Martini Hoof to perfection.

Mint Martini Hoof - My Cocktail of the month for September, browse on the right if memory eludes you.

Oh god! Even worse! We ended at the Rex (again). I think I do actually mean ended as well.

My weekend was rather quiet after that. Why on earth do I put myself through it?

Top notch fun. Welcome back J!

The Departure

Some of you will know that I have long been the keeper of two wards. Morgan and Mouse.

Morgan departed this evening and has gone to join her former, part owner. She's one pussy I will certainly miss. Mouse is still here. He's a faulty cat as he dribbles when stroked and often cries at the wall for hours on end. We are both sad that Morgan has gone and as I speak Mouse is lying near Morgon's old sleeping ground with a wistful, heartbroken look in his eye. I don't know why, she really never liked him at all.

Cest La Vie...

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Public Mingling

My goodness, isn't this great city just a melting pot!. Or do I really mean a noodle soup of oddballs?

I ventured onto public transport today for a change. There was a weirdo sitting opposite me on the way in. You know the type? Slightly suspiciously clean, but note. Not shiny. He kept staring at the woman opposite him in a scary way whilst pretending to read the Metro. Fine I thought (as I assume, did she), there's my one for the day.

But no! I got a proper, good value one on the way home.

This chap was actually a giant. You may think that if you were at least seven feet tall to start with that may be enough? But no!. Are you sitting comfortably? I shall describe him.

He was as wide as he was tall.
He took up two tube seats.
He was wearing a blue boiler suit.
he was perhaps late forties.
He had grey hair.
He was wearing glasses. But not ordinary ones... These were like dentists goggles with big clear shield sides.
Where his boiler suit was open, if you looked, you could spy spandex.
He was dressed underneath (I believe) in a big daddy style wrestling suit (in faux leopard)
He was carrying a large grey sack (like Father Christmas might have)

He kept pulling out books wrapped in paper bags and reading a page here and there. He would then snort in derision before returning the book to the sack and (after a pause) rummage for another.

And! - he smelt very, very odd. (Of libraries?)

To cap it all he muttered loudly, but sadly unintelligibly.

He didn't look stupid, nor did he give the impression that he wasn't aware of his effect on others. I think he knew that his presence was noticeable, and he was proud!

Normally I like to chat to people like this but even I felt slightly odd (or even nervous). So instead I broke the spell by chatting to the lady next to me and discussing her extensive collection of photographs of leaves.

You think I'm joking? Move to London and enjoy as I do if you don't believe me. These were just the notables.

There's a drink somewhere around here and I'll find it, just give me time...

If you are either of these people please email me as I have a screenplay that I could use you in funnily enough.


Last night I was heartened on the way home. Whilst driving through the East End I noted a particularly heavy Judge Dredd style firework war between two hulking tower blocks.

Obviously the local newsagents had done a good job in arming the warring clans and volleys of powerful starburst rockets and shells shot back and forth between the twin towers with serious intent to maim

I'm truly pleased that today's youth haven't gone all soft. It brings back good memories.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Poorly Boy

I know how much you all care that I have got Flue (or some such). The steady stream of emails and the flowers and cards piling up in the kitchen says it all. Oh go on someone send something? OK, OK forget the flowers, errm just a ribbon? At least the cats could play with it and leave me alone to practice sniffling in a pathetic way.

I've always had a good record with colds and things, eg. I didn't get them. Yet this is at least the third one this year (at least!!) Hmmm. Some musing on this topic has indicated that perhaps there is a correlation between me historically, not being single, and my current 'fly by night' status.

So there's another mystery solved. Mingling with the general public makes you ill.

Cocktail of the Month for November

Green Dragon

Gosh, the things I do for you. Much auditioning has gone into this one.

Only drink last thing at night, not at the beginning!. The usual warnings apply.

You will need.

Vodka (as usual I recommend Stolly)
Green Chartreuse
Mixing Glass
Mixing Spoon (or other suitable implement)
Cocktail Strainer
Cocktail Cherries (or Cocktail Onions if you like that bite)
Cocktail Sticks
Cocktail Glasses (Martini Type)

Fill the mixing glass with ice, add two measures (up to you how large. How many of you are there?) of Vodka and one measure of Green Chartreuse. Stir for a good while until its all very, very chilled.

Strain into the glass(es), and garnish with a cherry or an onion speared on a cocktail stick.

Drink then recline. As this cocktail contains nothing but spirits over 40% vol you will have no choice before long. Oh, and be careful near any naked flames... (there is a pun there)

The Green Dragon is a truly lovely colour and even if some would say it does taste a little medicinal its been responsible for me forgetting where I live once or twice lately.

Speak soon my pretties!

Friday, October 31, 2003


An old friend (The Critic) emailed me today, and amongst other things called me a 'dingus'

I've never been called a dingus before and despite having a relatively strong command of the English language, I had not come across the word. So I looked it up...

Google couldn't define it

Rebecca has a dog called it here.

Its an album by Cravin' Dogs here.

Go and listen, they're very good. They sound like Elvis Costello mixed up with the Kinks.

Dirty Dingus Magee (1970) Is a flick starring Frank Sinatra in an apparently not funny enough (and therefore forgotten) Western spoof. You can buy it here.

Hmmm I mused, better try the Oracle (no not Cecil) Of course.

Ahhh.. There we are..

n. Slang
An article whose name is unknown or forgotten.
A person regarded as stupid.

[Dutch dinges, whatchamacallit, from German Dings, from Middle High German dinges, genitive of dinc, thing, from Old High German ding, thing, assembly, case, thing.]

So that's all right then. Had me vexed for a minute. She does know me after all.

This is better though Thanks to JD for that.

My work here is done.

Oh, of course! You must be wondering? Yes it is Friday and, no you're correct I'm not out. I went out last night instead (and it was quite excessive) as I have to be up early tomorrow. You see there is a perfectly rational explanation for everything.

Instead I have a bottle of excellent Red Burgundy and an evening with Goldfrapp and The Flaming Lips.

Monday, October 27, 2003

Autumn Leaves

I have a new route to the office, as is my want I sometimes travel by petrol power. The new route goes all through the forest for miles. The trees were spectacular in the sunshine this morning. Great ripped sheets of scarlet, bronze and gold hung in the air like priceless dreams.

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Farewell Concorde, Hello Hangover

Lately, Friday nights seem to be serious nights out, its never my intention of course, but well, I won't argue.

I met a friend (James) for some drinks on Friday eve after work. He was very, very sad (as was I) as to the retirement of that beautiful thing, Concorde.

We decided that Concorde needed a proper send off so we went to my favorite bar of the moment Blend The staff their have forgiven my weakness for taking their candle holders home and worked tirelessly with us to create a suitable cocktail to toast the big white bird into history.

Teamwork paid off and a cocktail duly happened.

The Concorde!

You will need.

25 mill of Gin (what's that in fluid ounces?)
10 mill of Gomme (sugar syrup)
15 ml of Lemon Juice
Cocktail cherries
Champagne Flutes

Shake the Gin, Gomme and Lemon Juice over ice till your hands freeze, strain into your Champagne (fill about a third of the glass) Drop in a cherry and top up with Champagne.

Many thanks to the always welcoming and charming Angela who rules the roost at this great bar.

Things began to go downhill from there. I think a club happened, I think many more drinks happened, I think I got home about 3.30 AM. All I know for sure is that I came to, with my head resting on my PC monitor at home at nearly 5 and realising that trying to update this blog after an evening like that was a mission to far. (even for me)

On Saturday I went for lunch and the combination of a decent feed and a couple of pints stopped me shaking for long enough to get ready for the party I was going to in the evening.

Party was good. I ended back at Blend in the end, perhaps I'm a Moth of some sort? More lovely cocktails and another late one.

Well Done Samoa!

Late in and bleary eyed or not England were playing Rugby this morning and being a 'proper' gentleman I had to watch.

Phew! What a thriller!. Well done to the brave Samoans who nearly tipped up the applecart. Respect is very much due.

I think I have a hangover... How are you?

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Funny Hats and Comics

I went to the secret pub tonight. That's the pub in the middle of London that's actually not in London but in Cambridge. Named the Mitre, it was established in 1546 and luckily for me is only a short walking distance from my office. It might well be a short walking distance from yours, but if you don't already know where it is then I can't tell you. Thats what 'secret' means

Its hidden in the middle of a hidden alley way, AND, - it's a secret alley way to. (Its too small for crowds, so if I don't show you personally, then tough)

Its also the only pub in London (that I am aware of) that has had the same barman and manager for aeons. They wear ties and white aprons and when you go to the small bar you are addressed as Sir, or indeed Madam.

They also serve the best pub food ever! Its a simple menu.

Toasted sandwiches

Cheese and Ham
Cheese and Tomato
Cheese and Onion

-Notice a theme?

They also serve, sausages (cooked) pork pie's and scotch eggs. Ohh and nothing costs more than £1.50

Add beer, mustard and conviviality and quite frankly you can understand why Elizabeth the 1st used (they say) to pop in.

I was drinking with Mr H. A good friend of nearly a decade. He recently began a career in comedy. I think he had to after trying to make a living being serious ;) He's doing well, and although we speak often (online) its always good to catch up face to face.

By 9 though he had to go.

That's late in that pub, after all they shut at 10PM. The gates to the alley do as well. Not being part of London it has its own laws. For instance the London Police are not allowed in unless invited, as its outside their juristriction.

Oops again! As I walked through central London on a still cold night I decided home was not quite in order, so I went for impromtue drinks with a Princess instead.

Lifes handy like that.

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Some Good Times

Well I said Thursday may be a little messy, and behold, it was.

A wonderful old friend, (no - I don't mean she is old - keep up will you!) swung into town and into my view for the first time in lots of years, near enough fourteen years actually. We had a great time catching up over numerous cocktails before ending up at The Rex

Anyway it was like the years hadn't been there, she's still gorgeous and apparently I'm not too bad myself.

I think I got home about 4 AM, I think I was tired but happy. I think this explains why I didn't get to work until 11 AM and then shortly afterwards had to leave it and seek refuge in a four hour lunch. As always at Sapori it was time well spent.

Kill Bill

Friday evening saw a visit to the Picture House. On the menu was Kill Bill...

Now so far every critic I've read has said that Kill Bill simply doesn't work as a movie, or is what happens when someone's (eg Tarantino's) ego is allowed to grow to top-heavy levels. But I loved it. Perhaps I'm just shallow? or just the right age to enjoy the references? Or perhaps beautiful women and lots of swords always works for me? After all I am a fella. Saying that though, my viewing partner (The lovely Walton) also enjoyed it immensely, and she is very much, not in the slightest bit (in any way) a fella. Go and see it.

The Luxuriance - Gerrard Street (on the Southside)

After the film, and a couple of beers at a very secret bar, eating seemed like a good idea. We skipped to China Town and to the Luxuriance. Being as the week reeked of nostalgia this seemed like the thing to do.

I last dined at The Luxuriance over 10 years ago, indeed I don't think I've eaten in China Town at all since the last time I was there. Its not the same. Its name used to reflect the food and the restaurant. The mainstay Crispy Duck (of course) was only average and the place no longer lives up to its name, but it was friendly enough and enlivened by Chinese Teenagers knocking back the tea. I shall foray into China Town once more soon and find a really decent restaurant to tell you about. It wasn't so bad that it could take the gloss off a good night.

The Weekend

Rugby on Saturday was as expected, though a little fraught. Roll on England to the Final!

Gardened today, the air was fresh and it seems as if natures getting ready for the cold snap. The mole is hiding deep and the fish stayed well out of the way. I netted the pond and placed more rocks on the fox. Something with big claws (a Jabberwock perhaps?) had tried to dig it up (and failed).

My friend is visiting London again this week. I'm very much looking forward to it.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Happy Birthday!

I've had a quiet week so far, few beers on Monday, gym Tuesday, night in last night, but tonight I'm off out for dinner and cocktails and I have a funny feeling it could get very, very messy indeed. I do hope so! I will let you know...

I'ts my Brothers Birthday on Saturday, He's a nice bloke. If anybody wants to buy him anything to celebrate this, simply email me and I'll tell you where to send the cash. Thanks in advance - you are too kind.


Oh - I meant to say, I was completely forgiven by the cocktail bar, so much so they are now buying 'me' drinks. (Which is nice)

The bag man was sitting on his stool again this morning next to his stall of bags. He was smiling and showing another chap a photo album of what seemed to be holiday snaps. They both ignored a girl who had stopped and was half looking at a new handbag until she went away. Perhaps its secret theater?

I had a quick stroll around the estate this morning and noticed that one of the cats had crapped all over Mr Fox's headstone. Anyone who thinks animals are fluffy, cute ickle house toys should really get out more.

Till next time. Keep em peeled.

Monday, October 13, 2003

Here Lies Mr Fox

Went for a stroll around the garden yesterday afternoon and found a fox. This youngish fox was beautiful, but sadly dead.

I couldn't determine how he came to be lying between the black bamboo and the hydrangea near the pond, nor how he came to be stone cold. After some contemplation I buried him down the garden near the Oak. The Stags watched curiously.

I scratched a piece of Portland stone with the words "Here Lies Mr Fox - Oct 2003" and laid it on top...

I'll plant something there in spring.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Sofa So Good

I accompanied a friend this evening after work to peruse Sofa's or suites as she (The Walton) is purchasing a flat. Naturally the flat comes without furniture.

Note: To those who think furniture shopping is not a worthy pursuit for men, I knew that the shops in Tottenham Court Road would be shut (at worst) by 7.15

Sofa's came and went, I saw a nice table, More Sofa's came and went and lo it was sadly 7.15.

Charlotte Street is (as I'm sure you know) nearby, with a multitude of restaurants. All of which, or nearly all were full.

We ended up eating at a Mexican sort of place called La Perla. Being the only place on the street not full of diners this didn't bode well, but when you expect only a little, anything more goes a long way. Friendly and unpretentious the food was just on the good side of edible but with enormous portions more suited to Rugby players, or indeed visiting Americans. We had a nice time! But eh? Since when did you have fantastic Mexican food anyway?

Cafe Perla

I recommend it as a decent stop station in between bigish nights out. There is a bar downstairs too, which looked to be worth hanging about in, and, in a tacky good old fashioned and wholesome way, the gents toilet is lined with pictures of South America's sexiest pin-ups (or at least a few of them)

Thanks to our waitress 'Emily' who's extra efforts made a real change to many much more extravagant restaurants.

Loose Ends

Bag man

Someone was looking at a plastic-wrapped, poor quality attache case on the bag mans stall this morning. The bag seller did not seem in the least bit interested in a potential customer and simply sat on his stool reading his morning paper. I am still musing as to his real purpose...


A chewy subject is fat, I've slacked off the gym a bit lately as I've been a bit under the weather and if I don't get back into it soon all my hard work will slowly collapse and settle once again around my waist.. Best get on with it I spose!


Gosh! Its busy..

Question of the day

Black or Red?

Monday, October 06, 2003

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way Home...

What kind of a person would I be if I just recommended drinks to you and didn't test them to their limits as well?

A bad person, that's what!

So in the interests of this column I started off early on Friday night with a few Moscow Mules to open up the synaspses before shocking them brutally with a couple of Gibsons.

And there was me thinking I'd be tucked up at home by 11.

They weaved their magic and before I knew it I had been swished to a club by a friend and his support act of two lovely ladies and then on to a party.

Now I've been to some parties but this ranks as one the best.

Huuge beautiful apartment thingie nr Tower Bridge
Guest list, security.
2 or 3 free bars, with great staff. (or were they guests.. I don't know)
Silky Smooth Beats, DJ, Lights, Giant Glitter Ball.
Pool Table, Zillions of Sofa's

errmm lots of happy people 100? - 200?

I think I danced to much, I think I talked to much, I think I drank to much and I think I got home around Saturday lunchtime.

Thanks to Tommy, Andrew, Richard, Nick and Francesca who were the hosts, JM for taking me along and Dani for being so sweet.

Top night. (I hope I'm invited again)

So the lesson is clear. Drink the drinks I recommend and funny things can happen on your way home.

In other news: There wasn't any.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

You Lucky Lucky People!

Oh, how I spoil you so. Do you deserve it?

No matter, I feel generous today.

Yes, you are getting not just one, but two cocktails of the month for October! I recommend the first one 'Moscow Mule' for the early mid evening while you still need to use conversation. The second one should be used sparingly to create that 'starburst followed by trip-hammer' effect toward the latter part of the night.


Moscow Mule - you will need.

Tall Glasses
Ginger Beer (Idris of course)
Premium Vodka (Stolly Please)
Fresh Limes

Place Plenty of ice in glasses, squeeze juice of at least half a lime over ice. Give decent slug of Vodka. Top up with Ginger Beer. A quick stir and your away.

Warning for the stupid: Do not attempt to be flash and shake this in a cocktail shaker. You will end up as a Ginger Beer covered fool. Some weird types also add a small amount of demerera sugar to this drink. Just dont!

Gibson - A classic.

You might want a few Moscow Mules before you can attempt this, unless you love the taste of pickled onion juice. Try to ensure your partner also drinks this if you are hoping for snogs later on.

You need

Mixing Glass (or Shaker if you must show off)
Mixing Spoon
Chilled Martini Glasses (if possible)
Ice (as usual)
A large amount of quality Gin (Gordons or Plymouth for me please)
Some dry Vermouth (Martini Vermouth will suffice)
Silverskin cocktail onions
Cocktail Sticks

Put ice in mixing glass (or shaker) Pour a good three large measures of Gin into your mixing glass (Shaker) add about one and half teaspoons of the Vermouth (DONT overdo it - add less if you want..:). Mix using spoon (or shake) and pour into glasses.

Thread three (yes three) cocktail onions onto a cocktail stick twice (that's six in total shared tween sticks). Drop one stick of onions into each Gibson.


Warning for the stupid: These two drinks with their Vodka and Gin qualities, when drunk in any quantity, in sequence could ensure that you wake face down in unpleasant or strange places. I am not liable for this. Oh - you can have a Vodka Gibson instead, but thats a bit modern for me.

Have fun.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Old English Meditation.

Some have pondered how it is that I do it? I say, ponder on.. for in pondering (if done with patience) one can sometimes ponder up an entirely new cocktail of the month.

Not long now...

Sunday, September 28, 2003


Last night I went to the 'Speedway' I think my granddad once took me to one when i was very little. It smelled the same. The brave knights of the red grit hurled themselves around the track. I observed with others that whichever rider was wearing a green helmet seemed to usually win. The track was next to the sewage works, as was the nearest pub. We wondered if the smell of sewage in the air was also responsible for the pubs sign which read "half price food".

I wish the cats would catch the mole! (or indeed the moles - who knows) Various areas of lawn are taking on the appearance of moth-infested baize. I started off a year or so ago when Mr Mole first appeared with a cheerily tolerant "ha, its just nature! - me and mole will live happily together "Lately 'Murder' has been on my mind. I have invested in an ultrasonic mole frightener; this device is really just a giant vibrator. Its installed in the ground now and I notice the mole has been playing with it. The cats are scared of it though.

Today I cut the lawns (possibly for the last time this year?). Then I worked the contents of oldest compost bin into the vegetable beds for the winter, a full 5 wheel-barrows worth before turning the other compost bins contents into the now empty one.

I also fed the fish in the pond, again, possibly for the last time this year. Next week I'll even put the netting on it to try and keep the leaves out.

I've stocked up with coal and wood and laid the fire in the grate.

All's well here. How about there?

Friday, September 26, 2003

Bags, Advertising and Theivery

Does the man with the bag and suitcase stall outside the Tube station actually make any money? I have never bought a bag from him and after surveying the teeming multitudes have found that no one else has either. Is he subsidised do you think?. If so by whom, and for what purpose?

And who said that 1 out of every 5 central London Tube stations must have a bag seller near the entrance?. I think I may have worked it out... I wonder if its actually London underground lost property trying to move their surplus bag mountain back out again?

Perhaps these stall holders are just spies or some such?. Have you ever seen anyone buy a bag?


I walked past a shoe shop this morning. Not an unusual event I grant you. My eye was drawn to a big poster in the window advertising their shoes.. 'Clarks' it said. and above the word was an image..

An image that made me laugh anyway..

A man smiles as he does up his tie.. Obviously just off to work with a spring in his step. Over his shoulder a woman (his wife?) looks lovingly and proud of him from their bed.

The message was so clear.. Wear Clarks shoes and not only will you be married to a beautiful woman, but she will adore you and be proud of your achievements and you will have fantastic sex, every night.

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAH .. Quantity Surveyors and Photocopy Salesmen of the world now have aspirations like never before... the horror... the horror...

Last night I was bad.

I stole a table candleholder from a bar
I was a bit drunk
It was very nice
It was very shiny
It's at home now

Ive emailed them.. Begging forgiveness and offering to pay for it.. I like their cocktails and want to go back ...

Wednesday, September 24, 2003


Ever had that nagging feeling when you know you’re irritated about something but can't quite put your finger on what it is?

Hmm.. yours truly has been like that all day and for the life of me I'm not sure if its...

The end of summer?


Other people’s rudeness? (a special hello to the 'white van man! who obviously believed he was tied to my bumper on the way home this evening with an invisible 3 inch rope)

Microsoft Word's irritation with my prose?

Other undefined things?

Its not like me this you know never been a sulker, at least not a 'sulker without a cause'

I'll let you know when I figure it out.

Till next time.

Norah Jones on the stereo, and a large scotch in hand..

Ohh and I planted the winter garlic.. which was good!

On a plus note the cooler weather means I get to fire up the coal fires this weekend :)

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Another good end to the week

Yes people I did actually have to do some work this week, hopefully this trend wil not continue for too long!

By the way, can someone please ask David Blane to stop phoning me, apparently he's heard about the hossradish and simply cant get it out of his head. I've referred him to Kylie.

Made up for the week on Friday night.

Dial Bar. Covent Garden for a quiet start. Nice cocktails though!

Bar Soho. Dean Street, errrm in Soho funnily enough. For something a little louder. Can't find a link?. Its a downstairs bar of mostly small caverns though it does have a dance floor area and gets very loud. Good bar.. very pished clientelle..

Opium. To finish, food and dancing. Oriental theme with cheesy music (remember Cameo? ;). It seems men have to show off their arms a lot and girls have to fawn on them.. very friendly crowd but I had to pretend to be the new James Bond to get in.. hang on? I am the New James Bond, aren't I? Top night!

So to Saturday...

What weather we are having!, shame all the trees are dying though :-/

A beautiful day. Slow start obviously....but then I decided that I really must do a bit more exercise.. as if shaking a cocktail shaker isn't enough I ask you?.. Anyway, took the bike out and cruised through Epping Forest for a while but fortunately, just as I was losing hope found a pub for a nice rest.

When I got home I read the newspapers. - Naked in the garden! *What a shocker!!*

I'm looking forward to next week... I think you should be told.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Not much time...

I find myself in a bit of busy moment. Whilst you wait for the show to resume please entertain yourselves here

Keep your feet off the chairs please, and NO holding hands at the back!

Cows With Guns. Go and listen to the first track.. its noble.

Continuing the musical theme visit 'The Adventures of Weeble'

In case you didn’t know Google is now a very useful calculator that can deal with almost any worthwhile measurement. For example see

The speed of light measured in Furlongs per fortnight

If you come up with any more really obscure but strangely satisfying ones please let me know. I can't wait ;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2003


Nice day I had.

Work happened, and I was indeed busy, which is always good. Lunch in the sunshine over a nice bottle (or two ;) of Chilean Chardonnay and then more work.
This evening though - better!

Visited my Uncle Geoff the other day, well he's not technically my Uncle but its a long story which perhaps may come out in further posts. Anyway Dear Reader, I digress. As myself and my Brother was leaving his hallowed halls, he said (without any irony) Oh, would you like any Horseradish? (he pronounced it 'Hossradish') there's a clump over there.

Spades and forks were bought to bear and huge 'hossradish plants were ripped from their dark home. "When was this planted we enquired?" Geoff scratched his head, and then his arse.. "prolly 1932 or 3.. when we moved in"

So, to bring you up to date, my aforementioned triffid like hossradish roots have been planted and a goodly amount was cut off and 'fridged up' - until tonight...

Tonight I dealt with it. Me, a peeler, a grater, some vinegar (wine), salt, pepper and the hossradish.

Its the most beautiful hossradish i have ever tasted.. and it sent my salmon and asparagus fishcakes into heaven

PS: I have lots.....

Monday, September 15, 2003

Animal Magic

Hmmm, its Monday, I had get up early and I'm at work. What a mood killer that is!

Ah well I suppose something's got to compensate for all the good fun i've been having lately, and besides, I can also be cruel to the staff if I need some entertainment hehehe ;)

Was visiting a friend 'The Lovely Blond' who shall now be known as 'TLB' yesterday for a delightful evening of food, wine and possibly even, debauchery. *shock* (and a delightful day and evening it was to!)

I am today however more tired than I should be expected to be due to TLB's big, deaf, soft old dog 'Mausie' bless her.. see the thing about aforesaid big, deaf, soft old 'Mausie', bless her is that as she cannot hear you, so (being deaf) she likes to check to see if your still there every 10 minutes by having a look.

.. The night was spent fitfully tossing and turning as the huge dog alternately snored, or clattered to its feet and up the hall to the bedroom to walk in, survey the scene and see 'ahh yes.. humans still in house, still chance for walk later on then' before clattering back down the hall to her bed and collapsing in a noisy snoring heap until its time (10 minutes later) to check that the humans were still in. TLB of course has been living with this grand old Dame for years and was completely immune. I on the other hand am not trained in this art so am looking forward to a good sleep tonight.

And if its not the dog, its the cat with its infernal bell..

Ah well - Who remembers Jonny Morris?

Today I am wearing blue jeans and a pink shirt with red buttons.. a prize if anyone spots me.

Friday, September 12, 2003

My My My My What A Week That Was...

A big wave to all of my screaming fans *Waves and cheesy grins!* You all know who you are.... :-) wish I did.

Well the hangover is still here.

The Brother flew into London for a week and London, him and me may take some time to recover..

Rugby (England Vs France) If your from the good ol US, Rugby is a bit like Yank Football only with blood instead of girly padding and rest breaks every 10 seconds)

England won - Natch..

Good restaurants, A sample below, all of which I regular at and seriously recommend!

La Trouvaille check the menu.. IMHO the best non famous restaurant in London! Its incredible food that you will never forget.. which is a mighty claim I know... *just trust me*

Apertivo . I couldn't find the Web site.. Here's a review page.. Take no notice of the last reviewers negative comments, she must be a student or some such person whose idea of Italian is Harvester Spaghetti Bologna's. I love this place.. so it must be ok :)

Smiths of Smithfield. An essential place for the perfect large Bloody Mary and full English Breakfast hangover beater, served all day nothing will set you right on track for yet another back to back night clubbing.

And there are others of course. I will mention more as the sands of time pass..

Bars. In no particular order. Again I recommend them all as I am oft to be found in em...

The Player
Detroit Bar
O Bar
Blend Bar

There are of course others.. and pubs Oh god pubs.... too many to list :)

Oh and we went to a Museum, for a bit...and met David Attenborough, which was nice.

I think I'd better stay in for a month.. I seem to have spent all the money again.. oops.

He, on the other hand is in The Galapagos Islands next week and Peru the week after.. tell me, I am I doing it wrong?

PS: Has anyone received a Panther in the post? If so, it must be mine misaddressed.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Updates and an Afternoon to be Written Off

And how are you, my clamouring multitudes today? My one reader who shall only be known as 'The Walton' has a dreadful cold.. hmm, I wonder who she caught that from? Lets all (yes that means you too) think 'Get Well Walton!'

Now that's today's live feature out of the way what thoughts engage us?

Well an update for you: Yesterday the insurance company sent a lovely charming young lady to see me. After I complimented her on her shoes, (which were nice) she was as helpful and charming as could be..nice nails too, no chipppage. Anyway I'm getting everything paid for, no quibbles.. Hurrah!!

Soooo, this afternoon I shall be mostly having lunch.. (yes all afternoon) a lovely Sicilian restaurant just East of Covent Garden.

Oh.. and I began reading 'The Odes of Horace' last night. I recommend them, there's no such thing as a new idea and it seems he had all the old ones in 65 BC.

Monday, September 01, 2003

White Heat Commando Martini's

Well on the subject of sunbed etiquette the choice was made after much advice. A huge vote pool joined in, next time I think I'll get txt messaging organised, e.g. vote C! for Commando, vote C=NO! for pants on. The vote result was three to one so the pants stayed resolutely off. My white bits seem reasonably unmoved by the decision so perhaps it was the right choice all round. We shall keep a careful check on the situation and ensure that you don't miss a detail of this fascinating top news issue.

I just know how much you care...

Cocktail of the month for September will be... Mint Martini Hoof (I claim name credit)

You will need

Zubrowka Vodka (Polish Bison Grass vodka)
Fresh Mint
Orange Bitters
A tiny touch of sugar to taste (though not in mine thanks)
Chilled Martini Glass (or two if in company)

Shake an un-sensible amount of the vodka with a dash or two of orange bitters, ice and a good couple or three sprigs of fresh mint.. shake well until your arms ache my pretty...

Strain into chilled Martini Glass and 'slap' a leaf of mint on your hand to slightly bruise it, float on top.


This roving reporter loses reporting ability after three or four...

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Alarms, Louche Cocktails and Stags (an eclectic mix I grant...)

Oh yes.. they dont call me Mr Afterthehorsehasbolted for nothing you know! I am now the proud owner of a super-duper state of the art House / Intruder / Men wearing Glovelets anti system!..

Catch me out would you? That'll show em!! -Just need the Lion now, though edging toward a Panther.. I figure it would look better at the top of stairs lounging in a 'stare me out human - pah! cute kinda way... Ill ask the Internet Man.

Well Dear Reader (I think there might be 1 of you?) You will be pleased to know that I no longer have the cold I have been harbouring for the last 9 days :)..SO I shall back to lounging in cocktail bars very, very soon being predatory.. or even being preyed upon by the Laydeees of London town once again.. Life is resuming normaility, one hopes.

The Stags at the bottom of the garden were there again this morning, scraping the felt off their new horns and getting ready for a bit of over-winter argy-bargy. Let the battle commence!

Friday, August 29, 2003

Power cuts, Sunbeds and news of the Lion

Sunbeds? Never been near one in my life.. so why I have i just advance purchased 12 sessions on one at the gym? Hmmm.. methinks the rain today and the bargain price might have summit to do with it. I dont know anything about Sunbeds.. is there such thing as sunbed etiquitte? i.e what i really mean of course, is do i go commando or not? -Any advice gratefully laughed at!

Hahahaahahahahahahaha *splutter*... Am I the only person that doesn't believe power cuts in NY and now here in little old London are not an unfortunate coincidence?...yea right! - Both rush hour evening? hmmmm. I'm deeply suspicious.. I suspect a super villian at work ala Bloefeld, complete with white cat, I wonder how much cash he wants... much less romantic but more obvious of course is the tiny matter of Al Quada.... What a tangled web we weave.

On a lighter note I have found a man on the Internet who says he will sell me a Lion if I send him some money first... I'm such a trusting chap :)

Thursday, August 28, 2003

The Gardener Speaks

... or even types, yes indeed.

Muses - Hmmm, I seem to have started a Blog.

So Burglary! eh? what is it? where is it? and how do you not catch it?

Well its where chaps wearing best gloves nip into your castle, whilst your out earning an honest crust and wander off in an organised way with your big heavy expensive 100htz TV and lovely, *sigh* lovely separates Hi Fi system.

Whereabouts currently unknown but it was partying at my house about lunchtime yesterday.

My advice.. wear a mask, who knows it may help!

Lets just hope the Insurance co dont quibble about me leaving the back window ajar, oops!

They wern't bright though, *sigh*.. left my £200 + Oakleys that were right next to the pot full of assorted coinage.. but took the coinage.. no taste obviously.

The Jungle drums are rolling and the village elders are now very jumpy. expect random burnings of lost teenagers in Epping Forest very shortly. Me? I'm buying a Lion, natch!