Friday, December 26, 2003

Midlands, Meat and Merriment

I went to my ancestral home for a couple of days before Christmas. The Madlands and particularly Walsall (visit this site its funny and true..) Its still quite a grim place. Whilst I didn't grow up here as such half the family did and I spent much time there. My Mum (Bless her) lives there again now after many years abroad. God knows why!

All the available shops are now pubs, bars, bookmakers or very cheap supermarkets.

Knowing that I would be 'up there' till Christmas Eve afternoon I shopped for my celebration produce and must give mention to the one non-pikey establishment there.

This was Hills Butchers, a family business established by Mr Hill in 1888. I have to say he looked younger than that? Anyway He supplied me with a 7lb piece of Beef (Sirloin on the bone) that he had been hanging for a good 3 weeks or so. He described it as "Orgasmic!" I'm not sure I share his sexual preferences but he was a happy butcher who loved his work... I promised to return one day to tell him whether I agreed.

I have to say that I feel slightly ill having eaten so much of it yesterday and today but shall return to tell the mighty Mr Hill that it was the best bit of beef I have possibly ever eaten!. Does anyone fancy a beef Sandwich?

My friend PHG (Pink Haired Girl) came and shared it with me as her family were inconveniently in Germany for Christmas. The afternoon was cocktails (obviously) and then more cocktails until oblivion set in.

I have one of the best hangovers of the year today, so I shall take it easy and stare in a tired and over exhausted way at the Kylie Calendar that the thoughtful Slinks bought me.

I think I may have to detox in Jan.

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