Friday, December 26, 2003

Midlands, Meat and Merriment

I went to my ancestral home for a couple of days before Christmas. The Madlands and particularly Walsall (visit this site its funny and true..) Its still quite a grim place. Whilst I didn't grow up here as such half the family did and I spent much time there. My Mum (Bless her) lives there again now after many years abroad. God knows why!

All the available shops are now pubs, bars, bookmakers or very cheap supermarkets.

Knowing that I would be 'up there' till Christmas Eve afternoon I shopped for my celebration produce and must give mention to the one non-pikey establishment there.

This was Hills Butchers, a family business established by Mr Hill in 1888. I have to say he looked younger than that? Anyway He supplied me with a 7lb piece of Beef (Sirloin on the bone) that he had been hanging for a good 3 weeks or so. He described it as "Orgasmic!" I'm not sure I share his sexual preferences but he was a happy butcher who loved his work... I promised to return one day to tell him whether I agreed.

I have to say that I feel slightly ill having eaten so much of it yesterday and today but shall return to tell the mighty Mr Hill that it was the best bit of beef I have possibly ever eaten!. Does anyone fancy a beef Sandwich?

My friend PHG (Pink Haired Girl) came and shared it with me as her family were inconveniently in Germany for Christmas. The afternoon was cocktails (obviously) and then more cocktails until oblivion set in.

I have one of the best hangovers of the year today, so I shall take it easy and stare in a tired and over exhausted way at the Kylie Calendar that the thoughtful Slinks bought me.

I think I may have to detox in Jan.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Bad Behavior and Christmas Baubles

Well well well, the Company do was lots of fun after all! Sadly the staff and ex staff that attended left for last tubes just as I got a severe thirst on. Though it has to be said I probably should have gone home at that point...

Instead (well I could hardly disappoint, could I?) I crashed The Hoathster's Company do instead. It was at Hush in the private and very swanky top floor. I arrived about midnight and was greeted by an excellent bar and excellent service. Being as it was also free I took full advantage to top up. After all I had had to walk from Covent Garden!

The Hoathster was in fine form. Considering the industrial quantities of Absinthe he had consumed he was hanging on well. I thought I was to, but now I'm not so sure....

After a short while, his company, with me in tow was off to Pangaea I loved this club! Even though I was heading towards the dodgy side of trashed I found the staff friendly and the atmosphere good. Mind you I was with a good crowd so its hard to say whether I would have felt so warm had I not been in a large group. If you like your bars cheap do not go! This place is wallet busting stupidity with a serious hangover! Thanks to The Hoathsters bosses who I talked at till about 4 30 AM...And special thanks to Sanjay without who I might have not have stayed awake. It was nearly 6 when I got home, almost a record. I'm sure I disgraced myself? Does The Hoathster still have a job?

On Saturday afternoon, after a serious reconstruction job I met up with the gorgeous 'Slinks' who still wishes to remain anonymous...

Lots of rest for the wicked

Hurrah, no more work till next year! This is a very happy but tired boy.

Watch this space, though there may not be an update until the 25th or so.

PS: Ah yes baubles. They are glass ones that weigh nothing, yet shatter if you drop them. They make my Christmas tree look beautiful.

PPS: whoever you are, Merry Christmas! x

Friday, December 19, 2003

The Walton and The Duke and Sharon Davies

Had a lovely evening last night out drinking and eating with good pal 'The Duke' and my lovely friend 'The Walton'

We ended up at The Cantaloupe at Old Street which is always good fun with Tapas style foods and excellent beer through to decent cocktails at good prices. We were quite entertained at the end of the night when a number of pissed punters became convinced the Walton was in fact the swimmer Sharon Davies. It never occurred to me before but there is a slight likeness. The Walton though is much prettier. She's off to Canada for Christmas so it was nice to catch up before she went. The Duke had a nice time to.

Today will be messy. Its the Company Party later. I'm not really looking forward to it, as I've said before I much prefer other peoples company 'do's But, saying all that I shall be getting lashed...

Its at Blend

Shocker!! Advance warning... You could track me down and unmask me for who I really am!!.... but I'm sure you've got other things to do... Saying that however, alternative, after 'do' party invites gratefully received.

Ah well lets see what happens.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Steamy Windows

F*%K Me!! Its brass monkeys this morning. Its almost time to wear a hat lest your ears drop off and your brain freezes.

It was getting that way last night when I walked though the crisp dark air up the hill to my lair.

The village light brigade are out in force now. Almost every house and garden tree has Christmas lights festooned upon it. Some flashing, some not, mostly tasteful I'm pleased to say. The notable exception to this being the vulgar purple flashing attempt at a Reindeer that's hanging off the front of the cottage called "The Gables"

That aside, its all very lovely and being as there are no street lights where I reside the illuminations sparkled beautifully against a clear starry sky.

Monday, December 15, 2003

Accelerated Fuzziness...

Ah Christmas. A time for reflection. Well, perhaps? Also I hope that it will be a time for recovery. The good times are lately keeping on rolling.

Friday saw the annual gathering of the clans. Well not really, that's somewhat of an exaggeration. It was the official 'Founders' Christmas lunch. This sounds much more grand than it is. The three of us, for that is the number, had lunch.

We were upstairs at Bertorelli's. You might have seen us? We were still there when the evening shift came in. The food bill was only £100 odd butthe booze bill topped out at at £300 plus. It would have been more but the other two faded out just as I was warming up...

Then I went to Lab for a couple of cocktails.

Then I went to the pub. I've made better decisions than that one

A Saturday pub lunch restored my strength before a late dinner at..

Le Mercury (Islington) Do go, excellent value french food, unstuffy and lively but do book or you simply won't get in!

Then a small but lively and fun house party with really nice people somewhere in North London.

I was accompanied by the person who wishes to remain anonymous. I also can't hide them behind the 'Charming Company' tag any more as they think it makes them sound like a "maiden aunt" They certainly are not in any way maiden aunt-ish. Especially not with those shoes...

Friday, December 12, 2003

Thursday Tomfoolery


I Moscow Mule
3 Mojitos
I Singapore Sling
I Gibson
1 very large lemon vodka

Sing to the tune of '12 days of Christmas'

Note to self: Please remember to eat before or during going out, it aids stamina and recovery...

I have to do it all again today to, ah well, someone has to.

The charming company I was with wishes to remain anonymous and as I have journalistic integrity I feel, for the moment at least that I can't tell you any more. I might whisper later though...

Oh yes. I recieved a Christmas Card this week (not unusual at this time of the year you might think?) This one was from "Dave (Your Postman)" it said. That was nice of him I thought. Do you think he wants something?

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Petty Note to Blog Copycat :)

The Hoathster - for it is he. (link on the right if you have a lazy eye...)

Is talking Lawyers. The cheeky tyke!. Now he is welcome, as he is a rangy fella. But I must set the record straight once and for all. It was I that got us in and was the first to be served at the legendary HalfWay House.

We are half way
No one likes us
We are half way
No one cares..

The band played on...

I don't know if teenage reminisces work on a public blog.. hmmm I'll muse.

Cheers me dear :)


PS That review link is a laugh... we didnt need adults present when we were 14?
PPS Is the lovely Peggy still alive? Bless her.
PPS And dont even start on blogging styles. Sheesh these newcomers.. ;)

I know I know!!

*Sigh* Where does all the time go? I don't know, I can't even get to work on time let alone work out the answer to that one.

Life has been moving far to fast lately and this Blog has suffered. For that I offer humble *arms sweeping to ground* apologies.. Anything to stop the complaints!. God!, its nice to be wanted but ENOUGH ALREADY!..

Right, where was I?

Its going to be quick and messy (but sometimes that can be really good ;)

Simpsons on the Strand. Well I had to. After all an afternoon getting stuffed and then drinking 1965 Armagnac till it comes out of your ears doesn't come often enough

Skating at Somerset House. Get ticket and go. I can skate you see. Hehehehe.

Red Bar. Yea ok you can go if you want. But the barman only 'thinks' he knows a Moscow Mule.

In other news but in no particular order. Clothes / Money / Tiredness / Charming Company/ Sunday lunch / Christmas Muzak / Good shoes / Caipirihna's / The Italian Job / Gardening / Friends all around / The Duke / The Queen Vic / Oh.. And Rugby World Cup Heroes return...

Things should get back to normal soon. Other appliances may vary.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Nights on Tiles

The Tube system. Whats that you say? Where is the drink fuelled review of the worlds hotspots?. Well, sorry but you will have to wait. (though I was in Bar 38 earlier)

When you are scurrying to catch your tube train do you notice the corridors you scatter through?

If you do, then nod with me. If you dont, then do in future!

Tonight I was in Covent Garden Underground Station. This is not unusual. However, I thought I'd share the historic and wonderous orange and green glazed tiles in the corrridors with you. Look next time please (properly). Compared to the corridors around Stansted Aiport these could uplift you.

And don't start me on the sublime tiles at Hampstead!

The lesson today is that whatever you see everyday, you should always try to look at again, afresh.

Exit stage left.

Oh and also, dont even think about starting me on the beautiful RM Buses...(shouted from the wings)

PS: If you dont understand this post you shouldn't be reading.

Monday, December 01, 2003

Cocktail for the Month of December

November seemed over long to me, what did you think?

I've been searching for a drink that's easy to make and can be used as a nightcap with added oomph.

I've found one. (are you really suprised? ;)


You will need.

A clean stick or spoon-like implement of some sort

Take tumbler, add a few cubes of ice, pour in equal measures of Amaretto and Vodka. Stir well with implement and sip until bedtime.

Nice and simple eh?

If only everything in life was as reliable as alcohol.

Now where did I put my penguin?