Blow Out
It was a frustrating start to the week at Fortress Towers where I ply my trade. Or at least I would if I was entirely sure what my trade is. Anyway I digress. By Wednesday lunch time my business partner in crime and I had had enough so we popped out to lunch. At 5 o clock we weaved back to the office fortified against the elements by a vat or two of Australian Chardonnay. In case you wondered I had Penne with tomato sauce and roasted vegetables.
At 6 o clock I should have gone home. You know what's coming don't you? A couple of drinks later with a work colleague found me in Blend and after a cocktail and a very large Cytrynowka I was going home. You know what's coming again don't you? Yes I hit the oblivion button. Oops.
The Duke had foolishly texted me to say he was at a drinks party and the object of his affections was there. Well I had to see, as having heard so much it seemed rude not to so I ran from Holborn to Liverpool Street, in the ice, and didn't fall over.
I didn't want to run you understand but the vaguely cold snap we are having seemed to have paralyzed the Tube network and those lovely Black Cab drivers had obviously decided that as it was cold they should stay at home. This often frustrates me as most of them live in million pound houses in my village. I think as soon as they earn enough money to buy such houses they should be stripped of their licenses which should then be redistributed to poor, struggling would be cab drivers so ensuring that enough of them are hungry enough to work of an evening.
As I was saying. I arrived hot, drunk and slightly sweaty. I met with the siren and noted that she was very tall. So tall in fact that I think she must regulary need oxygen. She was very nice but should the Duke ever succeed he will need a stepladder. And he's not a short arse by any stretch.
After that things become somewhat hazy, true, I do remember upsetting the barman after we ordered large brandies of an expensive nature at the death. Well he poured them over ice! Without asking!! I ask you, its not like I'm an ex trader from Essex who lives in the 80's am I?!
I remember laying in the snow like a starfish outside my humble abode and phoning people up to tell them how beautiful it was. I also remember making myself a fantastic triple decker BLT. I don't however remember eating it but I obviously did. Going to bed at some time around 2AM when completely lashed and getting up for work early in the morning is not a nice thing to have to do.
The one item worth mentioning though is I met someone just as pissed as me on the tube home. She kept dropping her handbag whilst trying to look sober. It turned out that she had gone out for lunch to, and not made it back either. So 'Lisa Fox' of Snaresbrook you deserve a mention in the Gardeners mid-week booze up hall of fame. I love the last tubes home they are so much more fun than the one on the way in. Cheers!
I've been next to useless today. Ah well, it couldn't be helped. I had a nice time.
Tube Mice
I love the mice that live on the Tube, or rather live in the Underground tunnels and stations. I love the way they scurry about in the minutes between the trains. I'm sure you have all seen them? If you haven't they are very small and have dirty shaggy coats but they all seem to be smiling. They remind me of Fagins children from Oliver Twist and I think someone should write a children's program about them. I'd watch it. For extra entertainment though London Underground could release snakes and cats into the network. Imagine the scenes whilst your waiting for that last tube home. Here Kitty Kitty....
The Bag Man Diversifies
Whilst I was getting a sausage sandwich yesterday morning (with HP sauce of course) I saw something I never thought I'd see. The 'Bag Seller' outside Holborn Station who regular readers will remember never EVER seems to sell a bag has diversified. The bags are still on the stall and still placed strategically just out of reach of any prying potential customers but he now has a whole range of winter gloves, hats and scarves. Better than that I actually witnessed him sell a hat and a pair of gloves to a passing chap. It may have just been his MI6 handler though? Further Investigation is necessary.
Audio Valium
Ahhh. Make sure your PC has speakers and that they are switched to the on position. Sit back and visit this page
The Tune
Recognise that tune? If not email me and I'll explain. If you do recognise it you will already understand.
The world is a lovely place again.
The current government we have should have been forced to listen to this along with the board of the BBC. If they had, perhaps we wouldn't be heading down the slipperly slope we appear to be on. Soon Private Eye will be the only place that actually dares to tell the oh so obvious truth.