Friday, January 09, 2004

Strange Creatures in My Curtains

Now I know its still darkest January but London does appear to be developing an almost spring like attitude. Albeit early, the papers talk of bullish forecasts, people are hiring again and there are rumours that we will all be rich by the end of the year. Well if this is the new economy these days then it will do for me. Perhaps even the bag man is selling?

Right! You can all wake up now. No snoozing at the back or I may have to order a detention!

Oh The Hoathster seems to be still employed. Which is nice.

I had a lovely lunch today at a new place. Its a bit out of the way for me in 'Noho' (that area above Soho and in the hinterlands to the north)


I really didn’t think you could find proper Tapas in London. I was obviously wrong. This is an old fashioned Tapas restaurant, eg. its been going for years and years. I was taken there by Slinx for a much needed escape from executive toil. If you know me you may laugh at that statement but heh? I had to work once, quite hard (well, for a bit at least) to get to where I am now. The food is authentic, i.e not over fussed, nor truly extraordinary, but it is truly Spanish. I should know. My Mum lived there for 10 years or more (or at least in the Canaries). I recommend this place and will go again. If you find yourself lost at the top end of Charlotte Street then go. At once.

The Creatures

I returned home this evening to find a cryptic note from my cleaner. Now Anna is not chatty at the best of times, but the post-it note read....

"Happy New Year
looks like
something has
been chewing
at your back
door curtains"

Hmm I thought?

I looked at the big white drape to the left of the patio doors and mused. It seemed fine to me. So I unhooked it and delved into the fabric. Horror! Fragments of white heavy cotton fell out like confetti. The curtain looks indeed like something has been chewing on it. Anna had neglected to mention the numerous 'scary' slow moving black grubs about the size of a match head that seem to have caused the damage. I didn’t like the look of them and didn’t want to hang about in case they panicked and swarmed at me. So I went out to see my friend Mike W (who currently has a broken toe in case you wondered)

I’ve just got back. They are still there. I’m sure they can sense my fear and are hatching a plan, especially as there are lots of curtains in the house.

What do I do? Do any of you know?

Answers on postcards please and quick!

If you don’t hear from me soon assume the worst.

PS: I’m sure they are watching me.....

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