Wednesday, March 24, 2004

The Secret

There is a secret book shop near where I work. I pass it on my cut through after I have been to the gym.

The shop is in a quiet and secret alley. Its a small shop with windows mostly obscured by old book jackets and it seems to sell only second hand books.

There are always interestingly titled tomes in the window and on a bookcase outside. I have never seen anyone inside the shop other than the book shop keeper.

He sits with his back to the window and always seems to be reading.

By the front door is a doorbell and a small handwritten sign. It says "If the shop is closed, please ring"

This intrigues me as the shop always appears to be open at all times of day and night. I assume that one night I may pass and it will be closed?

I wonder if the man lives in, or above the shop somewhere and would be happy to be woken or interrupted to allow someone to browse the collections of once, other peoples books?

I know a thing or two about the cost of living in London. In short, its dammed expensive and the occasional sale of a hardback copy of "Ideas of Future" circa 1978 in its tattered glory at £2.80 (marked in pencil on the inside cover) can't keep the wolves from the door...Unlesss.

a) The man is the great grandson son of a once great industrialist and has forsaken all wealth for his love of words.

b) The shop is a money laundering operation connected to international crime.

There are probably countless probababilities.

I think its touching and I will get to the bottom of it.

In the meantime I shall create a story based on this starting point.

I may share it with you soon. Or I may find out the truth and spoil it for us all.

I shall buy a book though.

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