Monday, May 24, 2004

Here we are Again

The early summer is a funny thing. Here you are thinking its great because the nights are so long. Bizarrely though, there still doesn't seem enough time. What with social life (more later) garden life (hours of it) work life (ever present and life (the time you need to sort out bills, washing machines, hair, clothes, crap etc)

It all, as usual seems to go to fast.

In short we have a time deficit.

This makes me think I should hurry up as you don't have that much time to read this nonsense.

Due to the fact that my digital camera caddy thing was left in France and is winging it way toward me by paper post I can't give you a new picture tonight, so you will have to wait. Instead I shall regale you with my Birthday drinks night out.. Or perhaps at least part of it.

The Anchor (Bankside)

The Anchor is a fine, very old, if large pub. I picked it for a few drinks as its on the river and I expected a nice, hot day. I didn't pick it because I expected a robbery but then again fate is a funny old thing.

There was me at the table drinking and laughing, there was Slinx, The Duke, James with others just arising. Also, unseen till it was too late to notice were fagins children who with aplomb stole my mobile phone from under my nose whilst pretending to beg as a diversion. Crafty little things they were and I really don't want to think what they will grow up into. Evil little bastards I expect, but then, I always was the romantic.

Ah well the large Glenmorangie that the manager gave me by way of a cheer up, washed down with pint I had to start with, followed by the champagne that Tommy and Ivano and crew (who arrived just after) supplied seemed to do the trick, or at least knock this trick sideways a bit.

Slightly hazy after that though I believe the Monglian barbecue provided foodstuffs and the Pheonix Artist Club on Charing Cross Road swept up the bits.

With regard to the Mongolian barbecue, I'm intrigued as to how it originated? I didn't think Mongolia in central Asia being landlocked had much of a reputation for fish, but their cod was very good. Perhaps I was just drunk but our self created meals which are then cooked for you seemed to get harder and harder to eat. I blame shaking hands in the spice bucket. Though the Duke ate the lot! I still owe him a fiver...

On Sunday I didn't feel quite as busy as I would have liked to be.

I haven't had much time to write this tonight. Oh, you could tell? I shall attempt to get back up to full blogging speed shortly, but not tomorrow as I'm off to see Jack Dee.

And god knows what's happened to the Cocktail of the month. Perhaps you should recommend one?

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