Tuesday, June 08, 2004

In the Spirit of Things

I thought I'd try again. After all, if you don't try what's the point? To soften you up first is a picture I took on Sunday. Its hardly exciting, but then again its Garlic from my garden, picked by me late on Sunday afternoon.

Garlic Indeed Posted by Hello

There, that's us all grounded then.

I took a risk on the tube tonight. Obviously I'd had a couple of pints. Unusually I found myself in a scene reminiscent of a Spike Lee film. Onto my carriage walked a crowd of eight guys, all young but aspiring to be in the hood. I have never seen so many Nike clothes outside a Darren Chambers benefit sale. The fact that they all were wearing 'left ear' gold with diamond cluster earrings marked them out as boys in a fraternity. They entertained themselves by trying to smile, jab the peaks of their baseball caps into the faces of fellow passengers and invading everyone's personal space. As there were seats either side and opposite me, some of them sat down, all legs and bling chains akimbo. I was surrounded.

The atmosphere was tense as the mostly knackered office types around smelt the testosterone and tried to hide. The boys sensed it and went into show off mode.

Much slapping of hands and cuffs round the head were exchanged, and much talk of "linkin" in the morning.

At this point the guy next to me decided to make a point. He took a picture of me on his Nokia and gleefully showed it around. I noticed the four fingered gold knuckle duster, they laughed at the shot. Much fun was being had. People were cowering.

He thought he had the upper hand so he shouted out "Look, I make this guy a movie star". His gold teeth flashed. He filmed me for a few seconds with the phone then raucously laughed.

Never one to do anything sensible I took my own phone from my pocket, and surrounded by a sea of muscles and sports wear, hit the video switch and held my phone inches from brave boys face.

His teeth flashed again, this time with bravado I thought he blushed. The carriage went very, very quiet indeed. Sharp inward breaths were quietly drawn. I stopped, hit the play button, showed him the video and laughed at him whilst smiling...

There was a pause..

He looked me in the eye.

His mates looked at me

I looked at them

They cracked up and the boy next to me was toast, out fronted by his target. They took him down in a sea of piss-takes.

I may have been being very stupid I don't know, but it said to me that however people try to be, a group of blokes is a group of blokes whatever. A useful lesson there I think.

It may have been dangerous? But I always advise not acting the victim. Unless you really are of course, in which case its already to late. Not that I'm casting aspersions on the lads with the gold chains, teeth and probably even prosthetic limbs on the ride but they were a bit scary to those not in their group.

As someone once said. In the land of the witless, the half wit is king.

Summer is Nice

Enough said, Its lovely.

Oh, I shall be having a garden party next month. It should be good.

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