Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Tired Me

Crikey!. Another feature packed weekend has left me looking forward to a good long sleep tonight.

Rollerblading Road Ride

On Friday night I thought I'd try something a little different for a change. So instead of piling into the nearest bar I popped to shop on Friday lunchtime and bought myself a pair of shiny rollerblades. On Friday evening assisted by my good friend the Duke I assembled, if one person can 'assemble' on Park Lane by Hyde Park for an organised Friday night skate. There was about 100 people. Most of whom where obviously accomplished skaters, and one chap riding a recumbent bicycle with a very large pair of speakers strapped to the back and an amp in a trailer.

At the stroke of 8 o clock the skate marshals who were wearing safety first fluorescent jackets piled into park lane and stopped the traffic. We took to the roads like a Tour De France peleton. Only with more wheels per person obviously.

I'd chosen a bit of an extreme event for a first time skate outing as this was a 3 hour epic 20 mile hack through central London.

It was fun and at times it was fast. It was also quite scary, particularly on the downhills. The traffic didn't like it as we took over the roads but the tunes were banging out of the cycle stereo and at the end, happy but knackared The Duke, a friend of his and myself found a nice boat moored in St Katherines Dock and relaxed with a well earned beer.

I had only wiped out once. At speed. Skating backwards on the pavement over Tower Bridge. No damage was done, I just rolled spectacularly along the concrete and got straight back up. I'll pretend it was a stunt fall.

So, all in all, I am quite pleased to report that my early mid life crisis is progressing from strength to strength.

Next week: Base Jumping.


A quiet one with Slinx and a DVD evening.


A trip to Cambridge was quite nice but I have to report that for an ancient town, and one that is packed to the gills with students, it is very very short of pubs. Though I did note that it has a healthy population of wasps. It was an early night in preparation for a big bank holiday Monday.

I did buy a T Shirt though. I'm not normally one for witty slogans but I liked this one. It says.

I can only please one person a day
Today is not your day
Tomorrow is not looking good either

Thames Boat Trip

Some friends had organised a river booze cruise from Surbiton. We had to be there at 10AM and picked up a boat that fitted 12 people. This was good as there was 11 of us. As soon as we were aboard we cracked into the beers and this was to be the theme of the day. We cruised up river past Hampton Court and it was a little like being on holiday. If you get the chance to do something like this I recommend it. The homes on the river banks are often stunning and there are a lot of houseboats that look like great places to live. Especially I would imagine in the summer, should we ever have one.

We stopped at pubs and pootled about. A lot was drunk and we delivered the boat back at 6PM before weaving home.

All in all it was a top flight wheeled and ruddered social smorgasboard.

Hence my tiredness.

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