Monday, January 03, 2005

2005 AD

Its hard to believe its 2005 already. I remember when I was a teenager that the year 2000 seemed a long way away, but whoosh! Here we are five years on from that already.

Its been a busy time over the holiday, Hampshire for the start of Christmas, London for the days after. The Midlands then Scotland for New Year. Slinx and I even managed to fit in a wedding. No, not ours, someone else’s.

The Wedding

The bride and groom had decided that it would be amusing to hold their wedding in Scotland, Gretna Green to be precise. They also decided that 6PM on New Years Eve would be a good test of their friend’s loyalties. It was. We went.

They were very happy we were all there, and so I would think were the hoteliers judging by the looks of horror on peoples pale staggering faces when the bar bills unrolled like party streamers at check out time on New Years Day.


A number of people have asked me recently what, if any New Year resolutions I would make, or what my plans for 2005 actually are. I don't normally go a bundle on resolutions but over the last few days a few have sprung to mind.

One of them involves alcohol. I resolve to drink less this year. Or at least for a while. This might be quite tough as historically drink has been an important part of my being. You regular readers of this column will know this well and might, even now be spluttering with laughter at such a thought. After all, where would we be with a blog written with the aid of a bottle of red. Or indeed the thoughts that sometimes spring to mind as I’m sighting down the barrel of that 6th can of Stella around about midnight? I've given it some thought and decided to tackle this one in stages.

I feel its to much to expect me to not drink when I'm out, after all there is a limit to the amount of time I wish to spend in places that don't serve drinks. And I do so adore the dreaded stuff. All flavours, colours, tastes and effects. No drink is to difficult to tackle. So, I’ve decided to see if I can cope with not drinking when I’m on my own.

Some people view the solitary drinker as a sad individual. I think these are the kind of people who were captains of school cricket teams or the types that keep plastic bags in a special tube that hangs in a cupboard lest they fill a drawer with their messiness. I on the other hand applaud the solitary drinker as someone who knows what a good time can be had even when there is nothing on the telly.

I am not averse to a glass or two of wine on arriving home a beer with dinner and a glass of brandy or a cocktail or three before bed time but as of now I'm going to go without.

This shall be known as The Gardeners last stand and I shall let you know whether it makes me miserable or not.

I’m going to have to tackle smoking as well soon. I may not like it but I know it.

Amongst my other thoughts are to buy more bookcases, learn to write better, write more and read more. Be nicer to people and be less irritable and smile more, preferably when most inappropriate.

Thank you to all of you that made 2004 such a good year and huge smile to everybody else. Even those of you I don't much like.

I’ve decided not to write about the disaster in Asia. After all, what on earth can one say. Other than the world might quite cruelly but understandably be very, very fed up with us.

Time for change, all round.

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