Sunday, August 08, 2004

The Apple Tree

Cycling to work one day last week I was just crossing the tow path from the Lea River to change over to the metropolitan canal which would then take me on through Victoria Park in Hackney.

I was in an industrial estate in Bow where the waterways (strangely enough) look at their most industrial. As I crossed the bridge over and threaded my bike through the gates to then continue down the slope back onto the other towpath I noticed the tree. In fact I passed under it as you have to there. I had passed under it before of course but this time, for some reason I looked up.

There, a good 8 feet above me was an apple. I stopped for a minute and pondered, and looked again. It was still there. So I thought, here, at the top of a canal bridge in the middle of an industrial estate is an apple tree. I wonder how old it is? It certainly looks old. 100 years? More?

When I have time I will look into this and find out the story of the old apple orchards of Bow.

Circle Line Tube Party

On Friday afternoon at about 4PM someone emailed me this link..

The Cirle Line Tube Party

Its different now as it says "You missed it".

In short it was invite to a spontaneous party to be held on the last 4 carriages of the 8.04 circle line east bound underground train from Liverpool Street. We were urged to bring drinks and sweets and our best smiles.

The Duke and I turned up on the spur of the moment and the whole of the platform at Liverpool street station was crammed full of people waiting for the off. The allotted train pulled in and we clambered aboard and as soon as the train pulled away it went wild. There were musicians, sound systems, streamers and crazy people as far as the eye could see. Which incidentally wasn’t very far as in fact the shout had gone up perhaps a little early and there were so many people it wasn't really practical. It was also sauna time. Despite this is was quite good fun. At each stop we tried to be quietish as bemused London Underground staff and indeed bemused ordinary passages looked confused. The train kept lurching on in a cacophony of banging, strumming, laughing and pole dancing.

We made it as far as Sloane Square. There were to many people really and I suppose they didn’t know what to do with us. Apparently the train behind was also crammed with spontaneous party goers, and the one behind that. When it bacame clear that we would be getting no further we all slowly trooped with glittery strings in hands out of the station to Sloane Square itself. And there, everyone had a party.

There was music and dancing and it was great fun. It went on a bit late. We then somehow ended up at a carry on in a park near Spitalfields and even later I bizarrely ended up on a sofa in Victoria.

I do have photos of all this weirdness. Part of me wonders if it was really appropriate behaviour for a gardener like me but I think it needed doing.

The Weekend

Its finally been proper summer for a few day or so and its been scorching over the weekend. I haven’t done very much. As you may imagine Saturday was something of a write off and if the Japanese, or any one else for that matter had decided to invade at that point I wouldn’t have offered strong resistance.

Sunday however was more civilized with a stroll and a contemplate along the South Bank. I was armed with a Sunday Times and fortified with a couple of beers. In between all this I watered the garden and worked on my tan.

I have been pondering my purpose lately. It's a tricky one. The possibility is beginning to occur that I might not actually have one. This is not entirely comfortable, as my ego being what it is, I have always assumed I did.

I'll keep you posted.


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