Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Bus Fares, What Bus Fares?

On the way to a meeting the other day I had to get to Waterloo station. I hopped on a bus. Or at least I would have if there were still any proper Routmaster buses left.

We have a new type of bus in London now which we call the 'bendy bus' This name makes it sound sort of well, cute, like a child's toy. It's not. Its a giant articulated monstrosity that can barely fit through the streets.

It also explains to me why 'Transport for London is swallowing public funding quicker than you can count the cash.

You see, the bendy bus has 3 lots of doors and there is only a driver and no conductor anymore. So everyone just gets on and sits down.

In short, bus travel in London is now free.

Has anyone been told?

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