Thursday, December 09, 2004

Its The Darkness

No, not the band who I predict will drift into obscurity after their early summer fanfare. No, its the light, or to be more accurate, the lack of it. At this time of year many of us resemble packs of uniterested zombies. I just came home on the tube and in the harsh lights surrounded by dozing people clutching early bought bundles of Christmas wrapping paper, and others clutching half finished cans of Stella Artois (The experts choice) I felt like I was on one of the last boats out from some dying civilization. Its citizens too exhausted to feel relieved. Or was that just me?. And this was only in the evening.

Pale skin, lank air and bad attitudes marked the journey. Every natural being on the planet slows down and cosec up in its den when the sun goes in. I suggest that we should to.

On a lighter note.


Oh yes!

Jerry Sadowitz was good. Judging by his stage persona I reckon he misses the sunshine to.

Now... Where's my drink?

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