Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Old English Meditation.

Some have pondered how it is that I do it? I say, ponder on.. for in pondering (if done with patience) one can sometimes ponder up an entirely new cocktail of the month.

Not long now...


Sunday, September 28, 2003


Last night I went to the 'Speedway' I think my granddad once took me to one when i was very little. It smelled the same. The brave knights of the red grit hurled themselves around the track. I observed with others that whichever rider was wearing a green helmet seemed to usually win. The track was next to the sewage works, as was the nearest pub. We wondered if the smell of sewage in the air was also responsible for the pubs sign which read "half price food".

I wish the cats would catch the mole! (or indeed the moles - who knows) Various areas of lawn are taking on the appearance of moth-infested baize. I started off a year or so ago when Mr Mole first appeared with a cheerily tolerant "ha, its just nature! - me and mole will live happily together "Lately 'Murder' has been on my mind. I have invested in an ultrasonic mole frightener; this device is really just a giant vibrator. Its installed in the ground now and I notice the mole has been playing with it. The cats are scared of it though.

Today I cut the lawns (possibly for the last time this year?). Then I worked the contents of oldest compost bin into the vegetable beds for the winter, a full 5 wheel-barrows worth before turning the other compost bins contents into the now empty one.

I also fed the fish in the pond, again, possibly for the last time this year. Next week I'll even put the netting on it to try and keep the leaves out.

I've stocked up with coal and wood and laid the fire in the grate.

All's well here. How about there?


Friday, September 26, 2003

Bags, Advertising and Theivery

Does the man with the bag and suitcase stall outside the Tube station actually make any money? I have never bought a bag from him and after surveying the teeming multitudes have found that no one else has either. Is he subsidised do you think?. If so by whom, and for what purpose?

And who said that 1 out of every 5 central London Tube stations must have a bag seller near the entrance?. I think I may have worked it out... I wonder if its actually London underground lost property trying to move their surplus bag mountain back out again?

Perhaps these stall holders are just spies or some such?. Have you ever seen anyone buy a bag?


I walked past a shoe shop this morning. Not an unusual event I grant you. My eye was drawn to a big poster in the window advertising their shoes.. 'Clarks' it said. and above the word was an image..

An image that made me laugh anyway..

A man smiles as he does up his tie.. Obviously just off to work with a spring in his step. Over his shoulder a woman (his wife?) looks lovingly and proud of him from their bed.

The message was so clear.. Wear Clarks shoes and not only will you be married to a beautiful woman, but she will adore you and be proud of your achievements and you will have fantastic sex, every night.

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAH .. Quantity Surveyors and Photocopy Salesmen of the world now have aspirations like never before... the horror... the horror...

Last night I was bad.

I stole a table candleholder from a bar
I was a bit drunk
It was very nice
It was very shiny
It's at home now

Ive emailed them.. Begging forgiveness and offering to pay for it.. I like their cocktails and want to go back ...


Wednesday, September 24, 2003


Ever had that nagging feeling when you know you’re irritated about something but can't quite put your finger on what it is?

Hmm.. yours truly has been like that all day and for the life of me I'm not sure if its...

The end of summer?


Other people’s rudeness? (a special hello to the 'white van man! who obviously believed he was tied to my bumper on the way home this evening with an invisible 3 inch rope)

Microsoft Word's irritation with my prose?

Other undefined things?

Its not like me this you know never been a sulker, at least not a 'sulker without a cause'

I'll let you know when I figure it out.

Till next time.

Norah Jones on the stereo, and a large scotch in hand..

Ohh and I planted the winter garlic.. which was good!

On a plus note the cooler weather means I get to fire up the coal fires this weekend :)


Saturday, September 20, 2003

Another good end to the week

Yes people I did actually have to do some work this week, hopefully this trend wil not continue for too long!

By the way, can someone please ask David Blane to stop phoning me, apparently he's heard about the hossradish and simply cant get it out of his head. I've referred him to Kylie.

Made up for the week on Friday night.

Dial Bar. Covent Garden for a quiet start. Nice cocktails though!

Bar Soho. Dean Street, errrm in Soho funnily enough. For something a little louder. Can't find a link?. Its a downstairs bar of mostly small caverns though it does have a dance floor area and gets very loud. Good bar.. very pished clientelle..

Opium. To finish, food and dancing. Oriental theme with cheesy music (remember Cameo? ;). It seems men have to show off their arms a lot and girls have to fawn on them.. very friendly crowd but I had to pretend to be the new James Bond to get in.. hang on? I am the New James Bond, aren't I? Top night!

So to Saturday...

What weather we are having!, shame all the trees are dying though :-/

A beautiful day. Slow start obviously....but then I decided that I really must do a bit more exercise.. as if shaking a cocktail shaker isn't enough I ask you?.. Anyway, took the bike out and cruised through Epping Forest for a while but fortunately, just as I was losing hope found a pub for a nice rest.

When I got home I read the newspapers. - Naked in the garden! *What a shocker!!*

I'm looking forward to next week... I think you should be told.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Not much time...

I find myself in a bit of busy moment. Whilst you wait for the show to resume please entertain yourselves here

Keep your feet off the chairs please, and NO holding hands at the back!

Cows With Guns. Go and listen to the first track.. its noble.

Continuing the musical theme visit 'The Adventures of Weeble'

In case you didn’t know Google is now a very useful calculator that can deal with almost any worthwhile measurement. For example see

The speed of light measured in Furlongs per fortnight

If you come up with any more really obscure but strangely satisfying ones please let me know. I can't wait ;)


Tuesday, September 16, 2003


Nice day I had.

Work happened, and I was indeed busy, which is always good. Lunch in the sunshine over a nice bottle (or two ;) of Chilean Chardonnay and then more work.
This evening though - better!

Visited my Uncle Geoff the other day, well he's not technically my Uncle but its a long story which perhaps may come out in further posts. Anyway Dear Reader, I digress. As myself and my Brother was leaving his hallowed halls, he said (without any irony) Oh, would you like any Horseradish? (he pronounced it 'Hossradish') there's a clump over there.

Spades and forks were bought to bear and huge 'hossradish plants were ripped from their dark home. "When was this planted we enquired?" Geoff scratched his head, and then his arse.. "prolly 1932 or 3.. when we moved in"

So, to bring you up to date, my aforementioned triffid like hossradish roots have been planted and a goodly amount was cut off and 'fridged up' - until tonight...

Tonight I dealt with it. Me, a peeler, a grater, some vinegar (wine), salt, pepper and the hossradish.

Its the most beautiful hossradish i have ever tasted.. and it sent my salmon and asparagus fishcakes into heaven


PS: I have lots.....

Monday, September 15, 2003

Animal Magic

Hmmm, its Monday, I had get up early and I'm at work. What a mood killer that is!

Ah well I suppose something's got to compensate for all the good fun i've been having lately, and besides, I can also be cruel to the staff if I need some entertainment hehehe ;)

Was visiting a friend 'The Lovely Blond' who shall now be known as 'TLB' yesterday for a delightful evening of food, wine and possibly even, debauchery. *shock* (and a delightful day and evening it was to!)

I am today however more tired than I should be expected to be due to TLB's big, deaf, soft old dog 'Mausie' bless her..

...you see the thing about aforesaid big, deaf, soft old 'Mausie', bless her is that as she cannot hear you, so (being deaf) she likes to check to see if your still there every 10 minutes by having a look.

.. The night was spent fitfully tossing and turning as the huge dog alternately snored, or clattered to its feet and up the hall to the bedroom to walk in, survey the scene and see 'ahh yes.. humans still in house, still chance for walk later on then' before clattering back down the hall to her bed and collapsing in a noisy snoring heap until its time (10 minutes later) to check that the humans were still in. TLB of course has been living with this grand old Dame for years and was completely immune. I on the other hand am not trained in this art so am looking forward to a good sleep tonight.

And if its not the dog, its the cat with its infernal bell..

Ah well - Who remembers Jonny Morris?


Today I am wearing blue jeans and a pink shirt with red buttons.. a prize if anyone spots me.

Friday, September 12, 2003

My My My My What A Week That Was...

A big wave to all of my screaming fans *Waves and cheesy grins!* You all know who you are.... :-) wish I did.

Well the hangover is still here.

The Brother flew into London for a week and London, him and me may take some time to recover..

Rugby (England Vs France) If your from the good ol US, Rugby is a bit like Yank Football only with blood instead of girly padding and rest breaks every 10 seconds)

England won - Natch..

Good restaurants, A sample below, all of which I regular at and seriously recommend!

La Trouvaille check the menu.. IMHO the best non famous restaurant in London! Its incredible food that you will never forget.. which is a mighty claim I know... *just trust me*

Apertivo . I couldn't find the Web site.. Here's a review page.. Take no notice of the last reviewers negative comments, she must be a student or some such person whose idea of Italian is Harvester Spaghetti Bologna's. I love this place.. so it must be ok :)

Smiths of Smithfield. An essential place for the perfect large Bloody Mary and full English Breakfast hangover beater, served all day nothing will set you right on track for yet another back to back night clubbing.

And there are others of course. I will mention more as the sands of time pass..

Bars. In no particular order. Again I recommend them all as I am oft to be found in em...

The Player
Detroit Bar
O Bar
Blend Bar

There are of course others.. and pubs Oh god pubs.... too many to list :)

Oh and we went to a Museum, for a bit...and met David Attenborough, which was nice.

I think I'd better stay in for a month.. I seem to have spent all the money again.. oops.

He, on the other hand is in The Galapagos Islands next week and Peru the week after.. tell me, I am I doing it wrong?


PS: Has anyone received a Panther in the post? If so, it must be mine misaddressed.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Updates and an Afternoon to be Written Off

And how are you, my clamouring multitudes today? My one reader who shall only be known as 'The Walton' has a dreadful cold.. hmm, I wonder who she caught that from? Lets all (yes that means you too) think 'Get Well Walton!'

Now that's today's live feature out of the way what thoughts engage us?

Well an update for you: Yesterday the insurance company sent a lovely charming young lady to see me. After I complimented her on her shoes, (which were nice) she was as helpful and charming as could be..nice nails too, no chipppage. Anyway I'm getting everything paid for, no quibbles.. Hurrah!!

Soooo, this afternoon I shall be mostly having lunch.. (yes all afternoon)..in a lovely Sicilian restaurant just East of Covent Garden.

Oh.. and I began reading 'The Odes of Horace' last night. I recommend them, there's no such thing as a new idea and it seems he had all the old ones in 65 BC.


Monday, September 01, 2003

White Heat Commando Martini's

Well on the subject of sunbed etiquette the choice was made after much advice. A huge vote pool joined in, next time I think I'll get txt messaging organised, e.g. vote C! for Commando, vote C=NO! for pants on. The vote result was three to one so the pants stayed resolutely off. My white bits seem reasonably unmoved by the decision so perhaps it was the right choice all round. We shall keep a careful check on the situation and ensure that you don't miss a detail of this fascinating top news issue.

I just know how much you care...

Cocktail of the month for September will be... Mint Martini Hoof (I claim name credit)

You will need

Zubrowka Vodka (Polish Bison Grass vodka)
Fresh Mint
Orange Bitters
A tiny touch of sugar to taste (though not in mine thanks)
Chilled Martini Glass (or two if in company)

Shake an un-sensible amount of the vodka with a dash or two of orange bitters, ice and a good couple or three sprigs of fresh mint.. shake well until your arms ache my pretty...

Strain into chilled Martini Glass and 'slap' a leaf of mint on your hand to slightly bruise it, float on top.


This roving reporter loses reporting ability after three or four...
