Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Updates and an Afternoon to be Written Off

And how are you, my clamouring multitudes today? My one reader who shall only be known as 'The Walton' has a dreadful cold.. hmm, I wonder who she caught that from? Lets all (yes that means you too) think 'Get Well Walton!'

Now that's today's live feature out of the way what thoughts engage us?

Well an update for you: Yesterday the insurance company sent a lovely charming young lady to see me. After I complimented her on her shoes, (which were nice) she was as helpful and charming as could be..nice nails too, no chipppage. Anyway I'm getting everything paid for, no quibbles.. Hurrah!!

Soooo, this afternoon I shall be mostly having lunch.. (yes all afternoon) a lovely Sicilian restaurant just East of Covent Garden.

Oh.. and I began reading 'The Odes of Horace' last night. I recommend them, there's no such thing as a new idea and it seems he had all the old ones in 65 BC.

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