Tuesday, September 16, 2003


Nice day I had.

Work happened, and I was indeed busy, which is always good. Lunch in the sunshine over a nice bottle (or two ;) of Chilean Chardonnay and then more work.
This evening though - better!

Visited my Uncle Geoff the other day, well he's not technically my Uncle but its a long story which perhaps may come out in further posts. Anyway Dear Reader, I digress. As myself and my Brother was leaving his hallowed halls, he said (without any irony) Oh, would you like any Horseradish? (he pronounced it 'Hossradish') there's a clump over there.

Spades and forks were bought to bear and huge 'hossradish plants were ripped from their dark home. "When was this planted we enquired?" Geoff scratched his head, and then his arse.. "prolly 1932 or 3.. when we moved in"

So, to bring you up to date, my aforementioned triffid like hossradish roots have been planted and a goodly amount was cut off and 'fridged up' - until tonight...

Tonight I dealt with it. Me, a peeler, a grater, some vinegar (wine), salt, pepper and the hossradish.

Its the most beautiful hossradish i have ever tasted.. and it sent my salmon and asparagus fishcakes into heaven


PS: I have lots.....

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