Tuesday, December 09, 2003

I know I know!!

*Sigh* Where does all the time go? I don't know, I can't even get to work on time let alone work out the answer to that one.

Life has been moving far to fast lately and this Blog has suffered. For that I offer humble *arms sweeping to ground* apologies.. Anything to stop the complaints!. God!, its nice to be wanted but ENOUGH ALREADY!..

Right, where was I?

Its going to be quick and messy (but sometimes that can be really good ;)

Simpsons on the Strand. Well I had to. After all an afternoon getting stuffed and then drinking 1965 Armagnac till it comes out of your ears doesn't come often enough

Skating at Somerset House. Get ticket and go. I can skate you see. Hehehehe.

Red Bar. Yea ok you can go if you want. But the barman only 'thinks' he knows a Moscow Mule.

In other news but in no particular order. Clothes / Money / Tiredness / Charming Company/ Sunday lunch / Christmas Muzak / Good shoes / Caipirihna's / The Italian Job / Gardening / Friends all around / The Duke / The Queen Vic / Oh.. And Rugby World Cup Heroes return...

Things should get back to normal soon. Other appliances may vary.


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