Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Nights on Tiles

The Tube system. Whats that you say? Where is the drink fuelled review of the worlds hotspots?. Well, sorry but you will have to wait. (though I was in Bar 38 earlier)

When you are scurrying to catch your tube train do you notice the corridors you scatter through?

If you do, then nod with me. If you dont, then do in future!

Tonight I was in Covent Garden Underground Station. This is not unusual. However, I thought I'd share the historic and wonderous orange and green glazed tiles in the corrridors with you. Look next time please (properly). Compared to the corridors around Stansted Aiport these could uplift you.

And don't start me on the sublime tiles at Hampstead!

The lesson today is that whatever you see everyday, you should always try to look at again, afresh.

Exit stage left.

Oh and also, dont even think about starting me on the beautiful RM Buses...(shouted from the wings)

PS: If you dont understand this post you shouldn't be reading.

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